Social Contribution Activities

Let’s make tomorrow better than today
What Honda really wants to make.
To bring excitement, smiles, and enriched life to everyone in the world.
That's why Honda challenges to create futures societies “That Are Full of Dreams”, through its various activities.
Honda believes.
We can create any future that we want.
An abundant natural environment, Clean Oceans, Safety for Everyone,
A future where children’s dreams can come true,
Together, let’s make tomorrow better than today. Striving to create future societies “That Are Full of Dreams”
Honda will continue to work to bring smiles to everyone in the world.
Basic Approach
Based on its fundamental principles of “Respect for the Individual” and “the
Three Joys,” Honda seeks to improve the quality of people’s daily lives around the
world. In order to share this joy, the Company hopes that its associates will strive to
accelerate their initiatives worldwide.
Environment Promoting Traffic

Community Needs Supporting Our Youth
for the Future
Initiatives for Social Contribution Activities
Supporting Our Youth for the Future
Honda’s drive has always been to dream, and to keep challenging to make that dream come true.
Times may change, but the joy and fulfilment of challenging a dream remains the same.
Honda will continue its activities to share “The Power of Dreams” with everyone, everywhere.
Honda Serviços Financeiros (HSF) sponsors the Bachiana Musicalization Project. The project held activities twice a week during FY2024 to promote cultural and social inclusion, music education, and environmental awareness through music for 90 socially disadvantaged children in the city of São Paulo.
In October, the symphony orchestra, conducted by João Carlos Martins, promoted a concert that was attended by 1,255 people and watched by over 5,400 additional people on social media. The HSF is actively engaged in this type of social contribution activities through music. -
The Children's Idea Contest is Honda’s learning activity aimed at fostering the qualities and abilities that children will need to survive in the future world filled with uncertainty through the course of envisioning their dreams and experiencing the importance and joy of creativity.
The contest that marked its 20th year in 2022 received a total of 8,250 entries that year. Over the past 20 years, a cumulative total of 83,000 entries have been submitted. For the past few years, the final review process had been carried out online to comply with the safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID 19 infections.
But in 2023, for the first time in three years, it was conducted in a face-to-face setting where all the children participating in the latest contest assembled with big smiles on their faces. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of this activity, Honda Motor Chairman Kuraishi also participated as one of the judges. The submitted ideas covered a wide range of themes from everyday challenges, contemporary trends like computers, robots and AI to social issues pertaining to nature and environment, as well as matters related to communication. The Children's Idea Contest also took place in Thailand and Vietnam, which led to drawing a grand total of over 9.8 million entries from both countries and Japan combined.
Honda believes that this contest provides a great opportunity to nurture the next generation of young people in each country where it is held.
Protecting the Global Environment
Honda is working to preserve for future generations a rich natural environment that can coexist with local communities.
We are continuously doing what we can do for the future, one step at a time.
In addition to its ongoing forest conservation activities since 1999, Honda has concluded an activity agreement with Hachioji City, Tokyo since 2020 to conduct Satoyama landscape conservation activities in the Kamikawa no Sato Special Green Space Conservation District.
To preserve for the future this place with rich nature and rare plants and animals that can coexist with local communities, Honda is promoting efforts to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. The efforts include rice cultivation, field cultivation, forest clearing, and tree planting by associates and their families, as well as environmental classes for children, who will be responsible for the next generation. In FY2024, a total of approximately 300 people participated in nine events during the year. The Company’s independent biodiversity survey conducted in this area identified three species of butterflies and six species of dragonflies listed in the Red Data Book of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The harvested rice and vegetables are donated to food banks in Hachioji City as part of efforts to help solve social problems. -
The Honda Group in China has continued its tree-planting activities in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region since 2008 and has planted 2 million trees over an area of more than 15 million square meters at a total cost of approximately CNY 65 million.
The project has been implemented over the past three phases of 15 years. The fourth phase, which began in 2023, aims to increase forest area, reduce water and soil loss, and improve the local environment, and plans to plant approximately 3.33 million square meters of trees over five years. The project will also contribute to sustainable development in rural areas and North China.
In addition, GAC Honda Automobile Co., Ltd has initiated a mangrove ecology conservation project in 2023 in cooperation with the SEE Foundation. During the first five years from 2023 to 2027, the project will protect more than 1,800 mu(about 1.2 million square meters) of mangroves, mainly in Wenchang City, Hainan Province and Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province.
Promoting Traffic Safety
Honda's Safety for Everyone initiative aims to provide safety to everyone sharing the roads.
In Vietnam, traffic volume has increased with economic growth. In particular, motorcycles are used by citizens for commuting to work, school, and business, thus countless are on the road especially during peak hours in the morning and evening. Also with the number of automobiles owned started to increase in recent years, traffic safety has become one of the major social issues. Honda Vietnam Company Limited (HVN), in cooperation with the National Traffic Safety Committee, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, donated 1.8 million qualified helmets to first-grade students nationwide in FY2024, aiming to raise awareness of wearing qualified helmet among children. In addition, a series of events were held at Honda Executive Authority Dealers to improve the knowledge of traffic safety for children and their parents. This activity has been ongoing since 2015, with a cumulative total of approximately 8.4 million helmets donated to date. The program aims to form habits of wearing qualified helmets in Vietnamese motorcycle riders, with the goal of achieving a ratio of 100% wearing qualified helmets.
In 2023, Honda Manufacturing (Nigeria) Ltd. conducted a safety awareness campaign as part of its road safety initiative, with a total participation of 90 children, ages 8 to 11, from three elementary schools in Ota City, Ogun State. The children were given a classroom lecture on safety, in which the campaign slogan “Safety First” was introduced. This was followed by a practical training on how to ride a bicycle safely, explaining the various dangers of the traffic community and the necessary precautions. Honda hopes that the children will develop safe driving habits and lead traffic safety in their communities in the future.
Addressing Local Community Needs
Honda is working as a united group in its community-based activities, with the desire to contribute as a member of the community in order to create towns and a society where everyone can live comfortably.
In FY2024, there were 6,500 wildfires in Canada, burning more than 45 million acres, nearly nine times the average area burned each year. In the summer of the same year, a wildfire on the Island of Maui, Hawaii in the U.S. claimed the lives of nearly 100 people and damaged more than 2,000 homes and other structures.
The Honda Group in the U.S. and the Honda Canada Foundation are longtime partners of the Red Cross and donors to the Disaster Response Alliance of the Canadian Red Cross. These donations allow for pre-arrangement of supplies and ensures a rapid response system and response teams in the event of a disaster. Through this initiative, the Honda Canada Foundation assisted wildfire victims across Canada.
The Honda Group in the U.S. donated USD 500,000 to the American Red Cross for humanitarian assistance in the areas affected by the wildfire in Maui. In addition, together with its associates, the Group implemented a one-on-one matching gift program to organizations that helped many people affected by the wildfires last year. -
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the French city of Orléans has been taking in refugees, and Honda France Manufacturing S.A.S. has been hiring skilled refugees from Ukraine as temporary associates. As many of the arrivals spoke neither English nor French, French-speaking Ukrainian associates took on the role of coordinating with the refugees. To date, a cumulative total of 20 refugees have been accepted.
During the 2023 major flooding in Emilia Romagna, Italy, Honda Motor Europe Logistics N.V. donated three water pumps and one small power carrier to the Civil Protection Department in Garzignano Terme, Veneto. This Department is one of the leading organizations in Italy dedicated to emergencies and is charged with assisting firefighters in the event of a major disaster in Italy. For this reason, Honda products that can be used in the event of floods and earthquakes as well as fires were chosen for the donation.