Code of Conduct
- Customers
- Business Partners
- Colleagues / Work Environment
- Honda(Company)
- Society
Political and
Administrative Entities -
Shareholders, Investors,
and Other Stakeholders -
Compliance and Reporting
Non-compliance Incidents
In order to earn the trust of our stakeholders and achieve sustainable growth, we must not only comply with laws and regulations, but also practice honest and ethical behavior.
We established the Honda Code of Conduct and shared it throughout the Group, including subsidiaries in Japan and overseas.

Quality of Products and Services
Honda’s policy
Honda strives to provide products and services that exceed the expectations of customers and society. In this sense, it is essential to place the highest priority on quality and safety, voluntarily establish high standards, and respond in an appropriate manner.
Required conduct
I will place the highest priority on the quality and safety of products as well as services, and comply with established standards and procedures. I will also request business partners and distributors/dealers to adhere to Honda’s standards and procedures.
Appropriate Advertising and Publicity
Honda’s policy
Honda engages in advertising, publicity, and sales promotion activities in good faith so as to constantly meet the trust and expectations of customers and society.
Required conduct
I will properly engage in product advertising, publicity, and sales promotion activities to avoid misleading customers.
Compliance with Competition Laws
Honda’s policy
Honda will engage in free and open competition with competitors to maintain its stance as a company trusted by customers and society.
Required conduct
I will comply with competition laws (antitrust laws).
Business Partners
Sound Business Practices
Honda’s policy
Honda will engage in sound business practices under an environment of free and open competition which is built upon mutual trust with suppliers, distributors/dealers, subcontractors and all other business partners, while aiming to build long-term, constructive relationships with them.
Required conduct
I will comply with the following in order to maintain sound relationships with business partners:
I will carry out appropriate procedures in accordance with company policies in selecting business partners, and will comply with laws, regulations, and company policies related to business transactions.
I will not receive from or provide to business partners benefits in the form of goods (both monetary and non-monetary) or entertainment beyond what is generally considered appropriate by society. I will also not use my position or authority to receive improper benefits from interested parties.
Colleagues / Work Environment

Communication in the Workplace
Honda’s policy
Honda strives to create workplaces in which co-workers can trust one another at all times.
Required conduct
I will strive for smooth communication in the workplace to create a harmonious work environment.
Respect of Human Rights
Honda’s policy
Honda strives to maintain its stance as a company committed to practicing fairness and sincerity and respects human rights.
Required conduct
I will respect fellow associates, interact with them in a sincere and appropriate manner, and never engage in any form of harassment or unjust, discriminatory behavior in the workplace.
Safety and Health
Honda’s policy
Honda will provide a safe and healthy workplace to maintain a pleasant and safe work environment.
Required conduct
I will comply with laws, regulations and company policies related to safety and health, strive to maintain a safe and healthy workplace, as well as prevent and minimize accidents.
Honda (Company)
Company Assets
Honda’s policy
Honda will appropriately maintain and manage all company assets, both tangible and intangible, as enterprise resources to achieve its business objectives.
Required conduct
I will appropriately handle company assets and not engage in acts that damage the value of company assets.
I will appropriately handle facilities, equipment, tools, products, parts, accessories, items supplied by the company, money, intellectual property, and all other company assets in compliance with company policies and not use them for anything other than for achieving Honda’s business objectives.
Management of Information
Honda’s policy
Honda will appropriately protect and manage confidential information and personal information that it holds for the purpose of conducting proper business operations.
Required conduct
I will appropriately handle confidential information such as internal information, business partner information and personal information of customers and other associates in compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies. I must also refrain from illegitimate use of such information for insider trading or other improper deeds.
Conflicts of Interest
Honda’s policy
As a measure to ensure appropriate business operations, Honda prohibits any conduct by associates that conflict with the interests of Honda.
Required conduct
I will not engage in acts that conflict with the interests of Honda for my own benefit or the benefit of business partners or third parties.

Traffic Safety
Honda’s policy
Honda will develop advanced safety technologies and engage in activities to promote safe driving with the aim of realizing a safer motorized society.
Individual conduct
I will obey traffic rules, observe good driving etiquette, and endeavor to drive safely.
Environmental Protection
Honda’s policy
Honda actively endeavors to protect the global environment throughout all business activities as a responsible member of society.
Required conduct
I will comply with laws and regulations, company policies, and internal standards related to environmental protection and strive to reduce the burden on the environment by engaging in resource conservation, energy conservation, and recycling.
Contribution to Society
Honda’s policy
Honda strives to contribute to society through its business activities, such as the provision of products and services that exceed the expectations of customers and society. Honda also engages in socially beneficial activities to fulfill its social responsibility as a corporate citizen.
Required conduct
I will fully acknowledge Honda’s basic stance to contribute to society and strive to fulfill our expected roles in the community.
Political and Administrative Entities

Relationships with Political and Administrative Entities
Honda’s policy
As an independent corporate entity, Honda maintains appropriate relationships with political entities (political organizations and politicians) and administrative entities (governmental agencies and government officials).
Required conduct
I will interact with political and administrative entities in an appropriate manner in compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies and will not offer politicians or government officials entertainment nor gifts (both monetary and non-monetary) that are prohibited by laws, regulations, and company policies.
Shareholders, Investors,
and Other Stakeholders
Timely and Appropriate Disclosure of Information
Honda’s policy
In order to remain a highly transparent company, Honda strives for appropriate communication with customers, business partners, shareholders and investors, local communities, and other stakeholders.
Required conduct
I will appropriately disclose information in compliance with laws, regulations, and company policies when engaging in disclosure of information to outside parties and interact with stakeholders in a courteous manner.
Compliance and Reporting
Non-compliance Incidents

Compliance and Ethics
Honda’s policy
Honda continuously carries out initiatives to strengthen compliance in order to reinforce the trust established with society. Persons who work at Honda are also required to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and policies while acting ethically.
Required conduct
I will comply with laws, regulations and company policies.
I will act ethically in accordance with social norms and common sense.
Reporting Non-compliance Incidents
Required conduct
If I become aware of any violation or possible violation of laws, regulations or company policies, report the matter, I will submit suggestions, and consult as necessary with my manager, the legal department, or the compliance & ethics contact line*.
*This includes the internal whistleblower hotlines established by the group companies.