Aiming for a Safer and More Harmonious Traffic Environment

Aiming for a Safer and More Harmonious Traffic Environment
Octorber 2024

Leonardo Donato de Almeida | Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda. (HDA) Traffic Education Center

Brazil’s Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda. (HDA) was one of the first overseas companies to start traffic safety promotion activities. Today, the company is engaging in new initiatives to promote traffic safety to a wider audience. This time, Leonardo Donato de Almeida introduce our activities in Brazil.

Commitment to Traffic Safety Activities

Since the 1970s, we have carried out safety education activities, starting with driving skill improvement courses for police and traffic agencies. Ever since, we have been working to reduce traffic accidents and create a safer traffic environment across the Brazil. In 2008, we launched the “Harmonia no Trânsito” (Harmonious Traffic) program, which consolidates all efforts related to traffic safety behavior and, expanding our activities. The goal of this program is to create a safer and more harmonious traffic environment by promoting safety awareness and improving safe driving among all traffic participants (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and drivers). We are working to achieve the goal based on the belief that encouraging behavioral changes among traffic participants through safety education is crucial to reduce accidents and fatalities.

Harmonia no Trânsito logo
Harmonia no Trânsito logo

Activities at Traffic Education Centers

There are three traffic education centers (CETH) in Brazil, located in the southeast, northeast, and northern regions, ensuring participation from all areas of the country. Through the practical training, we provide safe riding techniques to customers, companies, dealers, and professionals such as military police, fire departments, and the national armed forces. In classroom training, we provide all traffic participants, including non-drivers, with practical examples of potential traffic risks and how to avoid them. Since the first CETH was established in 1998, we have provided safety education to over 520,000 people.

Additionally, we offer a wide range of digital content aimed at increasing safety awareness among even more people (through the Harmonia no Trânsito website). Our web-based learning series, which started in 2020, we present videos featuring tips and techniques on safe driving with a new theme every month, including hazard prediction training (kiken yosoku training – KYT) content. Furthermore, in 2023, we launched safety content using animated videos for children, which has reached over 90 million viewers to date.

  • Practical training for riders
    Practical training for riders
  • Classroom training
    Classroom training
  • Web-based learning content for riders
    Web-based learning content for riders
  • Web-based learning content for children
    Web-based learning content for children

Safety Education Activities for Children

The Clubinho Honda program, which began in 1992, is designed for children aged 4 to 10 to learn about traffic safety in a fun and engaging way. The program takes place in an environment that replicates urban traffic, where children use mini electric bikes to practice traffic rules in a hands-on manner. Today, the program has expanded beyond CETH, working with educational departments in several cities to hold activities at schools and community events. The program has also evolved into an interactive learning experience, utilizing animated videos and comics to make the lessons enjoyable. Through these activities, we aim to equip children, who are the future leaders, with traffic safety knowledge from an early age and help them grow into responsible participants in a safe and harmonious traffic society. Since it was launched at CETH in 2013, more than 138,000 children have participated.

In addition, as a new initiative, we have introduced safety programs for teenagers on a trial basis at several schools. Through these programs, we provide hands-on safety education for teenagers, who will soon become new traffic participants as drivers, with the goal of creating a safer and more harmonious traffic environment.

  • Logo of education for children
    Logo of education for children
  • Urban traffic simulation
    Urban traffic simulation
  • Education for children
    Education for children
  • Education for youth
    Education for youth
CETH  members and me (first row , third from the right)
CETH members and me (first row , third from the right)
Leonardo Donato de Almeida | Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda. (HDA) Traffic Education Center

Moto Honda da AmazoniaLeonardo Donato de Almeida | Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda. (HDA) Traffic Education Center

He joined the company in 2004. He was initially responsible for training dealers on new products as a sales training instructor. In 2010, he worked as an operations supervisor, overseeing the development and management of new materials and training programs related to safety education. He became the safe driving manager in 2014 and has also been managing the Sales Training Department since 2016, carrying out the management of both safe driving and sales training.