Past Events

Goodwood 2006


Goodwood 2006

Aug 3, 2006

At the Goodwood Festival of Speed 2006 Vol.1


“Racing for Glory - a Century of Grands Prix” is the theme for this year’s event, which was chosen because 2006 marks the 100th anniversary of the first international race, the ACF Grand Prix automobile race, held at Le Mans, France, in 1906. Since it was Renault of France that won that first race, Renault is the main sponsor of this year’s event. Last year was the 40th anniversary of Honda’s first F1 victory, and Honda was the first Japanese manufacturer to serve as the main sponsor.

One of the biggest attractions each year is the monument symbolizing the event’s theme, created by the main sponsor and displayed in front of Goodwood House. This year, it is a huge white circular tent, perhaps more than 50 meters in diameter, with the 90-horsepower Renault that won the first ACF Grand Prix race in 1906 and the 2005 Renault R25 Formula 1 car lined up beneath it.

The Goodwood Festival of Speed 2006, now in its 14th year since 1993, has become an event to drive, see, feel, and enjoy. This stance has remained constant since the first edition. Organized by Sir March, the event has grown from its humble beginnings with just a dozen or so bikes and cars to a huge event with hundreds of motorcycles, cars and more than 100,000 spectators. It is now one of the largest and most famous events of its kind held anywhere in the world.

The three days of “mixed weather,” as said the U.K., with some sunshine and some rain, drew around 150,000 visitors.


The Goodwood name dates back to 1948, when the 9th Duke of Richmond renovated the airfield where the event was to be held, and opened a 3.2 km racing circuit, which he named the Goodwood Circuit. It is said to be the oldest racing circuit converted from an airfield in the U.K. Incidentally, the famous Brooklands Circuit was originally a motor sports circuit that was converted into an airfield. The Goodwood Circuit was closed in 1966 and used only for testing racing cars by manufacturers and leading teams, but in 1993, the current Earl of March (Lord March) known for his love or cars had held a classic car event using part of the circuit. 17 cars and bikes participated. After the success of this event, Lord March made plans to expand it into a full-fledged classic car event, calling on manufacturers, clubs, and collectors from all over the world. The plan was a smash hit, and from the following year, the organizers were delighted with the number of applications for participation. The event gradually grew to a global scale, not only because of the number of bikes and cars, but also because of the cooperation of car manufacturers and stores. Since 1999, Honda has been bringing F1 cars and racing motorcycles, along with famous drivers and riders, to the event. It is a great honor for Honda to participate in this classic event held in the U.K., the home of motorsports, for so many years.