Takuya Fujikawa

Developing the World's Best Power Unit Supporting F1™

Takuya Fujikawa

Honda Racing Corporation
Automobile Racing Development Division, Development Office
*Responsible for developing the ESS*1
*1 Energy Storage System
Refers to a total package that combines units like battery cells that store electrical energy, an inverter, a DC-DC converter, and a battery management system (BMS).

Hi Mr. Fujikawa, what is your dream?

My dream is to develop the world's best power unit and win the F1™ World Championship.

What is the driving force behind your dream?

I've loved cars since I was a child, and F1™ has always been a source of admiration, because it pushes the limits of speed and power. Finding something to be passionate about from a young age is invaluable. I think that in whatever I do, I want to dedicate my life to it and do the absolute best I can to achieve my goals and get a sense of self-fulfillment.

Did you confront any difficulties on the way to achieving your dream?

I wanted to get involved in car development as soon as possible, so I joined Honda right after graduating from high school. However, I didn't have the high level of expertise to immediately contribute to technical development, so I started as an engineer from the bottom up.
Initially, it was a period of fumbling in the dark, not knowing what I didn't know. But I didn't want to compromise or give up on what I loved.
Even as I gained experience, I often faced challenges that almost broke my spirit. It's easy to list reasons why something can't be done and take the easy route, but that's not what's expected of me. I take a proactive stance, focusing on figuring out how something can be done. I think it’s been through and extensive research until I’m really confident in the results, and analyzing from various perspectives to reach conclusions that convince those around me, that I've overcome difficulties.

What is your next challenge?

As an engineer in the electric field, I’m involved in developing the power units for the races that Honda will re-enter from 2026. My immediate goal is to develop competitive power units that contribute to winning championships.
My long-term goal is to make motorsports sustainable. From 2026, F1™ regulations (technical rules) will require 100% use of carbon-neutral fuels and increase the motor output to half, raising the electrification ratio. In the past, F1™ technologies were mainly only applicable in the world of F1™, but now the direction of motorsports, including F1™, is becoming more aligned with global trends. That’s why a major goal of mine is to apply the cutting edge technologies developed in F1™ to products that play a familiar part in customers’ lives, and contribute to society.
