Terms and Conditions
About this Site
An Overview to the Honda Global Site
About the Honda Global Site
The "Honda Global" website (https://global.honda/ the“Website”) managed by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. keeps you up to date with Honda's global and local activities, products and services, motor sports results, and more. If you would like to link to our site, please use the text "The Honda Global Site" or "Honda Global" and set the url to https://global.honda/
Terms and Conditions
Legal Notice
This Website is owned, operated and maintained by or for Honda Motor Co., Ltd.("Honda"). You can use this web site only if you agree to and accept the Terms and Conditions without limitation or reservation.
Limitation of Use
All material on this Web site is protected by copyright laws, and other applicable laws of each country throughout the world. Except for personal, non-commercial internal use, you are prohibited to use (including without limitation, copying, modifying, reproducing in whole or in part, uploading, transmitting, distributing, licensing, selling and publishing) any of the materials, without obtaining Honda's prior express permission.
The trademark "Honda" and any other product names, service names or logos of Honda used, quoted and/or referenced in this Web Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of Honda or any of its affiliates. Other product names and/or company names used in the Web Site may be protected as their trademarks and/or trade names.
Disclaimers of Warranties
Except to the extent prohibited by applicable laws, Honda and/or any of its affiliates make no representation and warranty, either express or implied, including warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, fitness for particular purpose, non - infringement of third parties rights and/or safety of the contents of this Website. Honda and/or any of its affiliates shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use or access, or inability to use or access, this Web Site.
Applicable Laws
This Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless otherwise expressly stated.
We reserve the right to amend this Terms and Conditions from time to time. Any changes will be posted within this page and shall become effective as soon as they are posted.
< June 8, 2018 >