Honda SENSING 360+, Honda SENSING 360, Honda SENSINGUnintended Acceleration Mitigation

Unintended Acceleration Mitigation

Technology overview

Mitigating sudden acceleration when the accelerator is firmly applied instead of the brake by mistake

When the accelerator is firmly applied

  • (1)If the action is determined to be a mistake… > Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is activated.
  • (2)If the action is not determined to be a mistake… > Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is not activated.

(1)If the action is determined to be a mistake… > Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is activated.

(2)If the action is not determined to be a mistake… > Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is not activated.

Mitigating unintended acceleration by detecting sudden accelerator application determined to be a mistake

Honda has previously sought to minimize the number of accidents caused by pedal misapplication by deploying front and rear Collision Mitigation Throttle Control, which is activated when obstacles are detected in close proximity to the vehicle in the direction of travel.
By contrast, Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is activated when the system detects sudden application of the accelerator due to the driver stepping on the wrong pedal. Even when there is no obstacle in close proximity to the vehicle in the direction of travel, if the vehicle suddenly accelerates due to sudden unintended application of the accelerator, suppressing the speed can lessen any damage caused in a collision with an obstacle that might appear up ahead. In the animation above, for example, the function is activated when the driver, moving slowly through a parking lot looking for a parking space, suddenly sees a person and goes to step on the brake, but instead steps on the accelerator. The aim of the function is to lessen the damage caused by any collision resulting from sudden unintended acceleration.

Mitigating unintended acceleration by detecting sudden accelerator application determined to be a mistake Mitigating unintended acceleration by detecting sudden accelerator application determined to be a mistake

Smart keys must be registered with a dealer to enable Unintended Acceleration Mitigation.

Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is available to users whose smart keys have been registered with a dealer (for a fee). After unlocking the vehicle and starting the engine with a registered smart key, the function is enabled. This is indicated on the display.

Smart keys must be registered with a dealer to enable Unintended Acceleration Mitigation.

We recommend attaching a key cover to registered smart keys for easy identification

Smart keys must be registered with a dealer to enable Unintended Acceleration Mitigation.

Display indicating Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is enabled (activated)

*The display differs depending on the vehicle model.

How it works

STEP1 The system identifies sudden unintended acceleration.

When the accelerator pedal is firmly applied while the vehicle is moving at a low speed of around 30 km/h or slower, or while stopped, the vehicle determines the action to be sudden acceleration unintended by the driver.

*The function is activated in some scenarios, but not in others.
For more information, see “Unintended Acceleration Mitigation activation/non-activation scenarios” below.

The system identifies sudden unintended acceleration.

STEP2 The system suppresses the sudden acceleration

After determining the action to be sudden acceleration unintended by the driver, the vehicle suppresses the sudden acceleration. Speed is limited to creep speed while warning sounds and the display tell the driver to release the accelerator. Unintended Acceleration Mitigation also works when reversing, not just advancing.

The system suppresses the sudden acceleration
The system suppresses the sudden acceleration

STEP3 If the driver continues to apply the accelerator pedal…

With Unintended Acceleration Mitigation activated, the vehicle will only gradually accelerate to approx. 30 km/h even with the accelerator pedal continually pressed.

If the driver continues to apply the accelerator pedal… If the driver continues to apply the accelerator pedal…

If a collision risk is detected while the function is activated…

If a collision risk is detected while the function is activated… If an obstacle is detected in the direction of travel while Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is activated, Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS)* or Low Speed Brake will be activated to lessen the damage caused by any collision.

If a collision risk is detected while the function is activated… If a collision risk is detected while the function is activated…

How it helps

If the accelerator is suddenly applied while Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is enabled and the system determines the action was a mistake based on a variety of information, including information on driver operations such as braking and gearshift position, as well as vehicle speed and the degree of forward or backward acceleration, the system will suppress sudden acceleration while alerting the driver using warning sounds and the display.

Unintended Acceleration Mitigation How it helps Unintended Acceleration Mitigation How it helps

Relationship with related Honda SENSING functions

Relationship with related Honda SENSING functions
Relationship with related Honda SENSING functions

Unintended Acceleration Mitigation activation/non-activation scenarios

Unintended Acceleration Mitigation is activated when the accelerator is rapidly applied while the vehicle is moving at approximately 30 km/h or slower without the brake applied and it is determined the pedal application was a mistake. The function will not be activated in everyday driving scenarios where drivers want to apply the accelerator firmly. It is designed to allow acceleration when the driver wants to accelerate.

Activation scenarios

Unintended Acceleration Mitigation activation/non-activation scenarios

The function is activated when the accelerator is suddenly applied when the vehicle is moving at approx. 30 km/h or slower, or when stopped, and approx. two or more seconds have elapsed since the brake was last released.

Non-activation scenarios

Even if the vehicle is moving at approx. 30 km/h or slower, there are times when the accelerator might be firmly applied, such as when turning at an intersection (determined by turn signal operation) or when ascending a slope. The function is designed to not be activated in these scenarios. In addition, the function will not be activated at speeds above approx. 30 km/h given the possibility of acceleration for such purposes as overtaking.

Turning with a turn signal in operation

Turning with a turn signal in operation

Ascending a slope with a gradient above a certain level

Ascending a slope with a gradient above a certain level

Overtaking at a speed above approx. 30 km/h

Overtaking at a speed above approx. 30 km/h

Commitment of Honda

Providing driving assistance that is easier to use and offers greater peace of mind

To ensure that sudden unintended acceleration is appropriately suppressed without impeding ordinary driving, Honda has been meticulous in configuring function settings based on analysis of users’ day-to-day driving operations.

1. Consideration of levels of pedal application and slope gradient

Consideration of levels of pedal application and slope gradient Consideration of levels of pedal application and slope gradient

Ease of use is determined by the degree of pedal application by the driver that will be considered sudden unintended acceleration. We had to ensure that the function is not activated when the accelerator needs to be applied in day-to-day driving or when the accelerator is applied to achieve exhilarating acceleration in safe circumstances. We also analyzed the driving of a wide range of drivers to determine settings, such as the slope gradient at which the function will not be activated. Settings were fine-tuned to achieve the right level of control.

2. Addressing sudden moving forward from Neutral due to operation error

Addressing sudden moving forward from Neutral due to operation error Addressing sudden moving forward from Neutral due to operation error

3. Setup using a standard smart key

Honda decided to have users register their standard smart keys at a dealer for a fee as the method for enabling Unintended Acceleration Mitigation. There are two standard keys and users can choose to register one or both smart keys according to the wishes of whoever will be driving. Another option would have been to create an already registered special key, but users would have had to buy an extra key. Registration of standard smart keys as required was considered the better option.

Setup using a standard smart key

Users can choose to register one or both smart keys at their dealer (each key incurs a fee)

[Video] Functions image

The individual functions of the driver-assistive system have limited capabilities (e.g. recognition capability and control capability). Please do not overestimate the capabilities of any function and drive safely while paying constant attention to the vehicle’s surroundings. A system may not work or perform adequately depending on road conditions, weather conditions and vehicle conditions.

Functions are not installed in some areas.

Depending on the model and timing of the market launch of the model, descriptions provided on this page and the actual functions available on customers’ vehicles may be different. For the functions available for each vehicle, please check the owners’ manual of the respective vehicle.

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TechnologyUnintended Acceleration Mitigation