Agile Handling Assist

Improved steering response and line tracing when cornering
Whereas Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) activates at a vehicle’s grip limits, such as when side slipping, Agile Handling Assist operates in the range prior to reaching the limits. The system assists with turning through fine-precision control of braking in response to the driver’s steering to enable smooth cornering and easy following of an intended driving line.
Agile Handling Assist improves steering response and line tracing performance by controlling braking of the front wheel on the inside of a turn, having estimated the driver’s intended driving line. The system contributes to not only driving on winding roads, but also to smooth driving on snowy roads and greater maneuverability in emergency situations.
Agile Handling Assist conceptual diagram

Fine-precision control of braking on the inside of the turn
Assisting driver control through the turn from steering input, Agile Handling Assist makes use of VSA hardware to predict the yaw rate from the vehicle speed, the steering angle, the steering wheel speed, and other parameters when the driver starts to turn the steering wheel. If intervention is deemed necessary, the system applies light braking to the wheel on the inside of the turn. The resulting improvement in vehicle responsiveness helps to retain a sense of stability during cornering.
Agile Handling Assist operation

At turn-in
Light braking is applied to the inner front wheel as required to encourage the vehicle into the turn. This improves steering response, helping the driver perform a satisfying cornering maneuver.
During the turn to corner exit
Light braking force is applied to the inner front wheel if understeering is predicted, or to the outer front wheel if oversteering is anticipated, improving line tracing performance. This puts the driver at ease, allowing them the enjoyment of breezing around corners as intended.
Agile Handling Assist is not a function that improves
stability in all driving conditions.
For safety, drive around curves at a speed appropriate for the
conditions while maintaining a sufficient following distance.
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TechnologyAgile Handling Assist