Traffic Safety


Honda Develops "Digital Traffic Safety Karuta" for Children in Japan

Honda conducted a study of the effectiveness of traffic safety education for elementary school students in Japan in changing children's behavior, and found that it was difficult to maintain the educational effects of limited opportunities for traffic safety classes alone. Based on this finding, Honda developed the “Digital Traffic Safety Karuta” using the contents of the earlier developed “Honda Traffic Safety Karuta”.

This educational material for elementary school students is designed to display karuta picture cards with an animation function on the screen and make children aware of the rules and manners that should be observed in various traffic situations represented by each card, and gain a correct understanding of safe traffic behaviors.

The study time per card is only about 2 minutes, making it easy for teachers to repeat the lesson in short periods of time, such as during morning or end-of-day meetings, and the number and combination of cards used can be freely adjusted according to the time allotted for each lesson.

Teachers who have actually used this teaching material have highly evaluated it, saying that in addition to the ease of using only a tablet to provide instruction, the daily use of this teaching material, even for a short period of time, has effectively led to increased awareness of traffic safety among children.

Honda Develops Digital Traffic Safety Karuta for Children in Japa

North America

Honda Companies in North America Help Advance Traffic Safety in our Communities

Under Honda's vision of realizing a collision-free society by 2050, the Honda companies in North America have united as One Team Honda to support various organizations that advance traffic safety of all generations across the region through educational programs on such as the proper use of child seats, safety measures for pedestrians, use of helmet, bike safety and danger of distracted driving.

To address the disproportionately high number of crash-related teen deaths in North America, U.S. Honda group partnered with Discovery Education to launch a new national educational program to teach secure driving skills, good judgment and sense of responsibility to the drivers under 25, which was followed in 2023 by the first-ever collaborative roundtable which offered the opportunity for Honda associates and traffic safety partners to learn from each other, share ideas, and take action to raise the safety awareness among young drivers.

Honda Canada Foundation's support for Project Courage that distributed coupons to purchase new, safe car and booster seats to parents and guardians in marginalized communities in collaboration with local hospitals and social service programs, and the Honda USA Foundation's support for The Priority Center's Basic Needs program and Dayton Children's Hospital's Transportation Safety Initiative to help provide at-risk families essential safety items including car seats, bicycle helmets and strollers are all closely in line with the collective efforts to contribute to Honda's global Safety for Everyone approach.

Honda Companies in North America Help Advance Traffic Safety in our Communities

South America

Honda del Peru in Support of the Municipal Government's Road Safety Campaign

In collaboration with the municipal government, Honda Del Peru S.A. supported the Road Safety Education Week, which was set as a week to focus on raising awareness among drivers, passengers and pedestrians on the importance of respecting traffic signs and laws to safeguard people's lives.
Through various awareness-raising activities, Honda Del Peru S.A. is reinforcing its commitment to citizens to promote the compliance of the drivers and pedestrians with the duties and responsibilities of traffic rules to ensure road safety, seeking the objective of reducing and preventing traffic accidents in the region.

Honda del Peru in Support of the Municipal Government's Road Safety Campaign

Road Safety Awareness Program "Pacto Vial" Conducted in Argentina

Honda Motor de Argentina S.A. carried out the 6th edition of "Road Pact (Pacto Vial)", a program aimed at raising the awareness of young people between 12 and 20 years old on the importance of behaving responsibly and supportively when using the public roads. Newly included in this latest edition were workshops for teachers and education authorities, new teaching materials designed to be adaptable to their school curricula, and playful pedagogical and experiential stations set up in multiple schools.

The contents were elaborately developed in line with the National Traffic Law and seven of the 30 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations (3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17), which were disseminated through its exclusive Instagram account (@pactovial) that was also used to share activity updates, informative trivia and announcements of contests and prizes, along with weekly posts of reels on latest trends among the youth. Various traffic-related topics were covered, including incident prevention, prohibition of driving under the influence of alcohol or substances, risk of using cell phones and earphones while driving, as well as grooming and cyberbullying, which are two current problems that require particular attention among adolescents.

This program is recognized with the "Declaration of Educational Interest of the Municipality of Rosario", and letters of endorsement from the educational authorities of Campana, Zarate, Tigre, Goya, Santo Tome and Cordoba.

Road Safety Awareness Program Pacto Vial Conducted in Argentina


Motorcycle Traffic Safety Program by Honda Motor Europe Iberia Branch

Honda Motor Europe Ltd. Iberia Branch started a two-week safety training program in 1992, which has been upscaled in 2009 to an all-year program offered at a motorcycle traffic education center named Honda Institute of Safety (HIS) located 20 minutes from Barcelona.
The center built on a 20,000 square-meter property includes an asphalt track, an off road track, and also a skid line for brake testing. To make it easily accessible for the participants, HIS provides all necessary riding equipment and motorcycles as well (around 50 units from 50cc to 500cc).

The training program portfolio includes 11 courses, which are normally 6 or 8-hour long and are available every day, all year long (excluding summer and winter holidays). During the weekdays, the training activities are focused on safety courses for professionals and corporations (i.e. police, delivery services, etc.), while on the weekend, they are open to general motorcycle users (including children).

These courses designed by HIS are based on defensive training and risk prevention. Since 2018, one of the HIS safety training programs has been certified with the European Motorcycle Training Quality Label for safety training, while achieving an average of 9.6 out of 10 in participants’ satisfaction score.

Asia and Oceania

Donation of Helmets to Children in Vietnam

In Vietnam, traffic volume has increased with economic growth. In particular, motorcycles are used by citizens for commuting to work, school, and business, thus countless are on the road especially during peak hours in the morning and evening. Also with the number of automobiles owned started to increase in recent years, traffic safety has become one of the major social issues. Honda Vietnam Company Limited (HVN), in cooperation with the National Traffic Safety Committee, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, donated 1.8 million qualified helmets to first-grade students nationwide in FY2024, aiming to raise awareness of wearing qualified helmet among children. In addition, a series of events were held at Honda Executive Authority Dealers to improve the knowledge of traffic safety for children and their parents. This activity has been ongoing since 2015, with a cumulative total of approximately 8.4 million helmets donated to date. The program aims to form habits of wearing qualified helmets in Vietnamese motorcycle riders, with the goal of achieving a ratio of 100% wearing qualified helmets.


Honda Foundation Holds the First Road Safety Summit in Pasig City

Honda Foundation, Inc. (HFI) and the Municipality of Pasig (Pasig City) collaborated for the first ever Road Safety Summit in Pasig Rainforest Park.
The Road Safety Summit (RSS) aims to develop road safety mindset and riding and driving proficiency among road users for the protection and welfare of the society through partnership with the local government unit.

Likewise, the RSS provided the people in the community an opportunity to acquire the practical know-how about road safety in an easy-to-understand, enjoyable manner.

Honda Foundation Holds the First Road Safety Summit in Pasig City


GAC Honda Continues to Engage in "Safety China" Activities

In 2023, GAC Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. continued to collaborate with various sectors to carry out a series of "Safety China" activities aimed at promoting road safety education for university students and drivers to enhance their road safety awareness and safe driving skills.

On November 1, the 4th Road Safety Innovation Competition was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, which also served as a sub-forum of the 2023 China Conference on Vehicle Safety and Sustainable Development. At this event, the competing students presented their creative ideas to help further ensure road safety and highlighted their practical achievements.

In addition, GAC Honda continues to aim at effectively improving drivers' safe driving skills and awareness by holding Safe Driving Camp periodically using the professional facilities of its own Joy Safety Driving Center. In 2023, this activity was carried out for a total of nine times for the media and vehicle users.

GAC Honda Continues to Engage in Safety China Activities

GAC Honda Upgrades its Traffic Safety Education Project for Children

On July 14, 2023,GAC Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. held the “Dreamful Children's Journey: Children's Road Safety Experience Exhibition” in Xiamen, Fujian Province.
At this event, GAC Honda's two original cartoon characters, traffic safety ambassador “Childhood Hero” and popular character “Emperor Cat” joined forces for the first time to provide children with an opportunity to learn about traffic safety through a fun experience. At the ceremony celebrating the collaboration between the two characters, GAC Honda also announced the official opening of two “Dreamful Children's Journey” celebrity dealerships in Xiamen, providing vehicle owners with a parent-child dialogue space focused on traffic safety.

Since 2015, GAC Honda has been working together with various institutions and organizations such as the China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CARTAC), local traffic management authorities, schools, dealers, and local communities on public welfare activities to enhance traffic safety education for children. In 2023, the “Dreamful Children's Journey” classrooms were expanded to Shanxi and Henan provinces, conducting a total of 100 teaching sessions. Currently, the "Dreamful Children's Journey" has reached across China, with over 200 million online class attendants and over 180,000 participants in offline activities nationwide.

GAC Honda Upgrades its Traffic Safety Education Project for Children


Safety Awareness Campaign for Children in Nigeria

In 2023, Honda Manufacturing (Nigeria) Ltd. conducted a safety awareness campaign as part of its road safety initiative, with a total participation of 90 children, ages 8 to 11, from three elementary schools in Ota City, Ogun State. The children were given a classroom lecture on safety, in which the campaign slogan “Safety First” was introduced. This was followed by a practical training on how to ride a bicycle safely, explaining the various dangers of the traffic community and the necessary precautions. Honda hopes that the children will develop safe driving habits and lead traffic safety in their communities in the future.
