Biodiversity Conservation Activities
Promote Biodiversity Restoration and Regeneration
In April 2022, Honda joined the “30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity,” led by the Ministry of the Environment in Japan, and is working towards obtaining certification for areas recognized as “Nature Symbiosis Sites,” where biodiversity conservation is achieved.
Mobility Resort Motegi, located in the nature-rich town of Motegi in Tochigi Prefecture, has long engaged in environmental conservation activities and next-generation development efforts aimed at harmonizing people and nature.
Due to the achievements of these efforts, 415.1 hectares of forest at Mobility Resort Motegi have been certified as a Nature Symbiosis Site.
Moving forward, Honda aims to obtain Nature Symbiosis Site certification at other priority domestic sites based on biodiversity assessments, and to promote biodiversity restoration and regeneration activities. In the future, we plan to establish internal standards equivalent to the Nature Symbiosis Site certification and expand these efforts to our overseas facilities.
30by30 Alliance Logo -
Mobility Resort Motegi’s Certificate of Nature Symbiosis Site

(Mobility Resort Motegi)
The terraced rice fields within Mobility Resort Motegi use traditional farming methods that avoid pesticides, supporting a diverse range of species.
The site also offers cultural services, as one of the venues for visitor programs aimed at observing flora and fauna and fostering interest in environmental conservation.
Country and Regional Initiatives
Japan: Biotope at an Automobile Assembly Plant

A biotope located at the Saitama Factory Automobile Plant, which started operation in 2013. The biotope is home to endangered species such as Hynobius tokyoensis and Lefua echigonia, and along with monitoring and conservation activities, Honda is exterminating non-native species such as the red swamp crayfish and American bullfrog.
U.S.A.: Creating Wildlife Habitats

At the production site for All-terrain vehicle/Side-by-Sides in South Carolina (American Honda Motor Co., Inc.), many wildlife habitat improvements have been implemented. 243 acres of lush greenery on the property led to proper forest management, establishing duck breeding ponds, wildlife food plots, bird houses, and a garden for honeybees with a hive box. These efforts have attracted more deer, wild turkeys, and bobcats to visit and inhabit the land. Some waterfowl also migrate yearly to raise their young onsite.
Belgium: Conserving Biodiversity at a Logistics Base

At Honda Motor Europe Logistics NV’s logistics base in Aalst, the Company has expanded its greenbelt by planting black poplars, which are threatened due to habitat degradation and a lack of genetic diversity. The Company is also contributing to the maintenance of biodiversity by creating habitats such as ponds, insect hotels, and feeding stations for living creatures.
Brazil: Nature Conservation at a Test Course

Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda’s motorcycle test course in Rio Preto da Eva is in the Amazon rainforest. In harmony with the environment, approximately 80% (802 hectares) of the site is maintained as a legally protected area. Agricultural projects here include the planting of fruits and vegetables as well as the restoration of endangered species such as mahogany, rosewood, and Brazil nuts.
India: Plant Greening in Consideration of Biodiversity

The Company created a 0.4 hectare mini-forest on the premises of Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.’s motorcycle plant in the state of Gujarat with the aim of creating a rich natural environment to protect the ecosystem. This forest, named “Sanjivani van*,” is planted with more than 16,000 trees in 24 different categories. In addition, food residues are converted into compost and used for gardening in the forest.
Sanjivani van: A Hindi term referring to a mythical forest associated with the herb “Sanjivani”, which has healing properties and significant meaning in Hindu mythology
Conserving Water Resources
Recognizing the potential for its business activities to impact biodiversity and water resources, Honda is also committed to the conservation of water resources.
Since Honda seeks out communities where harmonious coexistence with nearby water sources is viable as potential plant locations and builds plants in compliance with host countries’ environmental assessment laws and regulations, no water sources are significantly impacted by the Company’s water use.
In addition, no water sources are affected by wastewater from Honda facilities since it treats wastewater and discharges treated water in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of each country and region-specific rules, etc.
Honda appropriately manages the amount of water used and works to manage and provide information on wastewater, which includes thorough quality control and the disclosure of water quality test findings.
Honda has also continuously undertaken conservation activities for forest watersheds since 1999 as part of its social contribution program. Production sites protect and manage the forest watersheds that they benefit from and strive to keep them optimized for each region.
Aware of the fact that water is an indispensable resource supporting its business, Honda will continue implementing this activity.
The Company’s lineup of engines for outboard motors consists solely of four-stroke engines, with the aim of reducing water contamination by outboard motors around the world. Honda is also conducting demonstration tests of electric propulsion systems to reduce the environmental impact during product usage.