Honda Introduces a Next Generation "Honda Navigation System" Offering New Safety and Communication Features
August 1, 1997, Japan
Tokyo, August 1, 1997 - Honda has announced today the development of a new generation of its "Honda Navigation System". This new system features a "wandering sensing device" with both visual and audible warnings, using information from the navigation system to detect any abnormal driving patterns like when falling asleep at the wheel. This significantly less expensive system, which will be offered in a model scheduled to appear this autumn, also features an internet type two-way communication system called "Inter Navi System".
* Main technical features
The new "Honda Navigation System" was developed to further enhance the navigation system's basic convenience function while further adding "safety" and "communication" related features.
Basic convenience function enhancement
- Large LCD-type wide-screen 6-inch display.
- 3D twin-map display able to show 2 maps of different scales simultaneously.
- Possibility of pre-setting up to 5 check points on the way to destination.
- "Highway Guide" function providing the distance to various highway facilities (interchanges, parking areas, service areas, and other junctions).
- Interconnection with the VICS road information system (optional receiver).

New "Honda Navigation System"
Active Safety:
The world's first "Wandering Sensing Device" system
Striving toward ever safer driving, the "wandering sensing device" was developed as an integral part of Honda's Advance Safety Vehicle (ASV) research.
Honda's engineer's attention was attracted to the fact that even without checking the driver's physical condition, the loss of concentration prior to sleepiness at the wheel could be detected by the wandering pattern found in the car's travel. The unique system Honda is introducing today relies on advanced navigation technology to detect this driving pattern and warn the driver through both visual and audible alarms. The fact that this system relies on existing navigation sensors has also helped in keeping overall cost very low.
Wandering Sensing Device: description of the system

Wandering Sensing Device Algorithm
The "wandering sensing device" determines the car's travel route using the information provided by the speed and gyro sensors of the navigation system. From the actual travel route the system determines a theoretical, standard travel route which is then used to measure the amount of wandering and warn the driver. While thus monitoring the driver's driving pattern, the system's learning function revises the alarm setting conditions to accommodate for differing driving habits from person to person, thus allowing for an intelligent warning function.
Calculation of the Car's Travel Route

Wandering Amount and Alarm Timing

Note: The "wandering sensing device" only analyses the car's behavior. It does not directly sense sleepiness at the wheel.
The "Inter Navi System", a two-way communication system based on the internet for direct connection with home-use personal computers and other advanced features.
Setting its eyes on the next age in car information, Honda has developed its "Inter Navi System", a two-way navigation system capable of exchanging information with the outside via the Internet. The system can connect to cellular telephones via a specific adapter.
A technology bringing together the internet and navigation systems
In order to combine digital mapping with navigation systems, we have created for the first time in the world a "www browser for navigation systems" and an "Inter Navi Extension Format" to link location information with the internet.
Features of the "Inter Navi System".
- 1.Information on a real-time basis.
- 2.Extensive information data.
The user can select from a wealth of information, choosing only what the driver needs for the chosen road guidance. - 3.Connection with home-use personal computers.
The user can access the Inter Navi information pages through the Internet from the car as well as his/her personal computer. The user can thus draw his driving plan on his PC before sending the information to his/her car. The driver can then download the information in the car using a "PC card". - 4.Access to E-mail.
Information Flow in the "Inter Navi System".

- 1.The "Inter Navi Information Center" will start information in January 1998.
- 2.For safety reasons, operation while on the move is intentionally restricted.
- 3.Some types of cellular telephones are not compatible with the system.