Honda Joins TNFD Forum to Support the Work of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
TOKYO, Japan, January 17, 2023 - Honda Motor Co., Ltd. today announced that it has joined the TNFD Forum, whose members are aligned with the mission and principle of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and are willing to make themselves available to support the work of the TNFD.
Recognizing the possibility that its corporate activities could affect biodiversity, as early as the 1960s, Honda began putting significant efforts into activities that lead to the conservation of biodiversity. In 2011, Honda established the “Honda Biodiversity Guidelines.” Based on the basic approach of “working toward harmony between its commitment to biodiversity conservation and corporate activities” stated in the Guidelines, Honda has continued conducting a wide variety of environmental conservation activities to protect the global environment.
Moreover, in 2021, Honda established the concept of “Triple Action to ZERO,” which Honda will pursue to reduce consumption of the earth's resources as much as possible and strive to realize a circular/resource-recycling society which aims for “zero environmental impact” by taking initiatives in the three interrelated focus areas: “carbon neutrality,” “clean energy,” and “resource circulation”.
The TNFD is an international consultative taskforce which ultimately aims to support a shift in global financial flows toward nature-positive outcomes* by facilitating financial institutions and companies to disclose information related to natural capital and biodiversity.
Becoming a member of the TNFD Forum, Honda will take a proactive approach to disclosing nature-related information and further accelerating its initiatives related to environmental conservation.

*Nature positive is a concept of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030, which was declared in the G7 2030 Nature Compact adopted at the 2021 G7 Cornwall Summit.
Honda Global Environmental Website
Honda Biodiversity Guidelines