
Becoming a Company Society Wants to Exist Through Solving Social Issues
In addition to the Honda Philosophy, which serves as the standard for its corporate activities and its associates’ decision-making conduct, Honda hopes to grow as a result of solving social issues through activities aimed at realizing its vision.
To that end, Honda has set its direction in the 21st century as being a company society wants to exist, and is promoting the initiatives of creating joy, sharing joy, and handing down joy to the next generation.
Honda believes that providing value through products and services based on the expectations and demands of its stakeholders, while reducing the burden on the environment and society and contributing to solving social issues, is vital for the company’s sustainability.
To realize a collision-free society, Honda’s safety initiatives focus on the three elements: human ability, mobility performance, and traffic ecosystem.
Human Resources
Humans are free and distinctive beings who can think and create to realize their dreams and hopes. Honda values the motivation and initiative of its associates, and does everything possible to create an environment in which each individual can play an active role.
Honda is engaging in initiatives aimed at all associates according to its roadmap to realize workforce diversity.
Social Contribution Activities
Honda is involved in many activities along with local communities in Japan, and around the world, aiming to realize tomorrow’s society, a society full of hope.
Through aiming for 120% product quality, and being unforgiving of even a 1% defect, Honda aims to be a company that society wants to exist.
Supply Chain
Through its sustainable initiatives, Honda aims to be a company that society wants to exist, and to realize a supply chain where it co-exists and co-prospers with local communities.