
Honda Support Activities—Preventing COVID-19 Infection in China
- Crowds of Zhicheng joins the fight—Honda donates 10 million yuan to Hubei Red Cross
- In tribute to Wuhan’s outstanding medical staff, Honda donated materials to medical institutions

in the province

Crowds of Zhicheng joins the fight—Honda donates 10 million yuan to Hubei Red Cross

(China – January 31, 2020) Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (China) Investment Co., Ltd. and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. announced a donation of 10 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Hubei Province to fight the outbreak of COVID-19.

Among them, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (China) Investment Co., Ltd. donated five million yuan, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. donated five million yuan.
Honda's executive director and China's minister, Yasuhide Mizuno, said the COVID-19 has caused severe damage in many regions such as China, and Honda extended its heartfelt condolences to all those affected by the outbreak. As a company rooted in China, Honda is willing to contribute to the Chinese people to tide over the difficulties.
In the future, Honda will work with the community to support the prevention and control of the national epidemic, and actively practice corporate social responsibility.

In tribute to Wuhan’s outstanding medical staff, Honda donated materials to medical institutions in the province

(China – April 15, 2020) Honda Motor (China)Technology co., Ltd. announced that it will donate 3,500 vehicle-to-car net ion air fresheners worth about 1.8 million yuan to some of the designated hospitals in Wuhan to help treat patients with COVID-19, in thanks to the medical workers who have worked hard to fight the disease.

This time, Honda Motor (China)Technology co., Ltd. commissioned Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. and Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. in Wuhan local special stores to Taikang Tongji (Wuhan) Hospital, Wuhan Yaxin General Hospital, Wuhan Hanyang Hospital three fixed-point hospital sending donations. The donations will be distributed to relevant medical workers by hospitals.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Honda and related agencies have been making donations to help fight the outbreak, including:

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (China) Investment Co., Ltd. and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. donated 10 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Hubei Province;

Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. donated one million yuan to the Wuhan Charity Federation, 4,000 masks to the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou City, and 1,000 KN95 masks to the Red Cross Hospital of Guangzhou;

Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. donated three million yuan in cash to Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (Hannan District), donated a total of N95 and one-time medical masks, 600 sets of standard white hat protective clothing, 1,000 pairs of latex gloves to the Central War Zone General Hospital, Wuhan Concord Hospital (West Hospital), Dongfeng Travel, etc.;

Wuyang-Honda Motors (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. donated a total of 46 electric vehicles to Wuhan Concord Hospital and Wuhan Tongji Hospital.

In the future, Honda will continue to work with all sectors of society to contribute to the ultimate victory in the fight against COVID-19.


Honda Motor (China)Technology

What activities are you involved in with regards to COVID-19?
Planning and donation of vehicle air purifiers to Wuhan COVID-19 fixed-point hospital medical workers
Please let us know the background of the activity based on people's lives and situations in each region.
The selfless dedication of hardworking frontline medical workers, to save the lives of patients during the COVID-19 outbreak. Honda wants to thank them for their dedication by donating high function virus-suppressing air purifiers to provide safe car space for them.
Please share with us the activity story, as well as any difficulties that you faced during activities, and how you coped with the situation.
The city of Wuhan, where the hospitals that received donations are located, was blockaded so that people and goods were not allowed to go there. Thanks to the help of the Honda dealership and parts logistics industry in Wuhan, it was possible to donate the goods smoothly and efficiently to the hospital.
What kind of feelings did you experience during your activities?
This donation, bringing safety and happiness to the medical workers, is very meaningful to me.
Please give your positive message for people in your community and all over the world.
I believe that any difficulty can be overcome by helping each other.
Global Honda, let’s work together to overcome this hardship!