I know what the tyre is, so what are we going to learn about it?
First of all, let's take a look at what performance the tyre shows us every day!

Tyres have four major tasks.
First, they support the weight of the motorcycle, and second, they absorb the impacts from the ground providing comfortable ride.

The other two are to make the motorcycle turn right or left and to transfer driving force or braking force to the ground.

The tyre is really hard-working!
That's right!
But if it's in a condition like this, the tyre can't work properly!

This is a bit worn out. And this has some scratches. What's this triangle symbol?
This is called the "tread wear indicator". The grooves in the tread are very shallow in the area marked with the triangle symbol. To check the tread wear, you should see the area marked with the triangle symbol.

I see it's very important!
I'll remember it. Thank you!

You should stop using the motorcycle if you see cracks or scratches on their tyres. Air pressure is also very important, isn't it?

Exactly! All motorcycles have tyre air pressure specified for them. Low air pressure is out of question, but excessive pressure is also not good.

It is not enough to just have air in the tyres.

Is your motorcycle all right?

I don't know…
You don't do a pre-ride inspection, do you!
It is dangerous if you don't do that daily!

I didn't know that!
If tyres are not well maintained, these scary things could happen!
When you use worn tyres, your motorcycle will slip easily when it rains and the stopping distance gets long.

If the air pressure is too low...
Lower the fuel economy.

I don't want these to happen!
Not only that!
If you keep riding with inappropriate air pressure (either too high or too low), the tyre cannot last long.

Now I see. That’s why pre-ride inspection and periodic maintenance is important!
That's right!
Tyres perform crucial tasks. Don't forget the "pre-ride inspection" and "periodic maintenance"!

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