
I want to open the restaurant on the moon

by arimoto

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Takao Kanki

Takao Kanki


Kanki: When it comes to restaurants on the moon, it's interesting to see how low gravity affects ingredients and cooking methods. For example, the way liquids behave in a completely different way than on the Earth will require innovative approaches to how drinks and soups are served.
Sato: The interior design of the restaurant is also going to be something special. The space could be simple and impactful, with the magnificent view outside the window taking center stage. If the moon's gravity is 1/6 of the Earth's, seats and tables should take on new forms, right?
Sawai: As for new experiences, how about trying dishes that can only be tasted on the moon or drinks that fall slowly using 1/6 gravity? Hand drip coffee seems to take a lot of time (laughter)

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

The concept of a lunar restaurant will accelerate discoveries and inventions in everything from growing ingredients to cooking and serving methods to food experiences.
You will have an unforgettable experience with the magnificent stage of space.
I think the experience of cooking and eating on the moon will bring about a major evolution in food culture.


Restaurant on the moon : Cosmo Cuisine
Cosmo Cuisine is a futuristic restaurant located on the moon. The two of us sit in the cockpit of a spaceship, looking out the window at the infinite universe, enthusiastically discussing the menu and concept of this innovative restaurant. We imagine what kind of cuisine would most impress space travelers amidst the breathtaking beauty of space. Appetizers with the theme of “Cheese on the moon surface" and salads using vegetables grown on the moon. We offer unique dishes that can only be tasted here, such as floating desserts made using cooking methods that take advantage of low gravity. Creative and modern cuisine that overturns the image of space food is something you can never experience at a restaurant on the Earth.
With the magnificent sea of stars visible from the spaceship window and the dawn on the Earth in the background, we are confident that your dining experience at Cosmo Cuisine will be more than just a meal, it will be an unforgettable space experience. I dream that the shop will be filled with people who love space on the opening day. Our Cosmo Cuisine will be a restaurant worthy of the moon, stimulating not only the taste buds but also sight and the other senses.