
I want to live in space

by aoto

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Takao Kanki

Takao Kanki


Sato: In living areas in space, it is important to make each limited space unique and comfortable. For example, I would like the entire wall to be a display where you can show the scenery of the Earth or your favorite places.
Kanki: It is also necessary to take advantage of advances in technology and build a self-sufficient ecosystem in space. Elements of sustainable living, such as water and air recycling systems and even food production in space farms, are extremely important.
Sawai: Living in space has major restrictions on physical activities, so facilities for exercise and relaxation are also important. Other ideas include exercise programs using virtual reality and training wear that simulates gravity loads.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

In order to realize the dream of living in space, it is necessary to design habitation modules and life support systems that envision living under conditions different from those on the Earth. For example, we must consider the development of building materials that utilize space resources.
Living in space may free us from the Earth's gravity and allow us to move around more freely. As humans live in space, our senses may become more acute than ever. People may be able to think in a way that encompasses the Earth.


Residence in the space : Cosmo Capsule
Cosmo Capsule is a space station that embodies the dream of living in a habitation surrounded by stars. A future in which the distances between planets are shortened and people can live anywhere in the universe. We are experiencing a new daily life living inside this transparent dome.
Each capsule has the comforts of home on the Earth, and it is completely isolated from the outside space environment. The life support system is built with the latest technology and can endlessly regenerate air, water, and food. Gravity-controlled technology will allow you to walk and sit inside the capsule just like you would on the Earth.
In this residential area, you can enjoy interaction with the community while maintaining individual privacy, while looking out at the magnificent space scenery outside the window. In the new home away from the Earth, stargazing will become part of the daily routine, and the wonder and beauty of space will always be present.
Cosmo Capsule is a place where living in space is not just a dream, but a reality. Here, we humankind can feel the joy of living on a new frontier in our daily lives.