
I want to fly in the sky just by putting wings on my back

by mikke

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Takao Kanki

Takao Kanki


Sato: Flying in the sky is a common dream of humanity. If you can fly with your own wings with the technology shown here, the experience of looking at the city from the sky may make you aware that you want to make the city more beautiful.
Kanki: These wings can extend human sensations, don’t you think? We will gain new sensations and experiences from them. Flying in the sky as part of nature may change our worldview.
Sawai: The possibility of this dream technology is immeasurable. It may revolutionize not only the city's traffic and delivery methods, but also leisure and sports. What kind of new society can we imagine?

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

Utilizing this flight technology, we will be able to fundamentally change the means of transportation in everyday life. You no longer suffer from traffic congestion, and the design of the city itself may be based on the aerial movement.
Considering the expansion of human sensations, it is not just a dream to gain a new sense through these wings. For example, you may be able to incorporate advanced sensors to feel the flow and temperature of the air, and to understand the world more deeply.
Furthermore, expanding this technology will allow people to communicate while flying. Imagine what the new society is like, such as meeting in the air and education while moving.


Wings of Aspiration: Aspiration Wings
Humanity has finally been released from the chain of gravity. Our world has begun to change since the Aspiration Wings have appeared. Looking out of the window, people who have spread their wings are flying in the blue sky.
After repeating countdown "3, 2, 1 ...“, I flew from the roof of the building. At the first moment, fear ran around my whole body, but soon the Aspiration Wings lifted my body gracefully into the air. Suddenly, the wind became a friend, and the city became smaller and smaller.
Aspiration Wings were not just a tool. It expanded my senses and gave me a new eye to see the world. I danced in the air, crossed the city at high speed, and sometimes meditated quietly on the clouds.