
A one-passenger vehicle flying by turning the pedals like a bicycle

by nanzan

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato: This vehicle combines the everydayness of a bicycle with the extraordinary adventure of a plane. I want to experience the feeling of being released into the sky with every pedal stroke.
Kanki: From a technological perspective, this vehicle is an example of sustainable transportation by effectively utilizing human energy and converting it into the ability to fly. It offers an ecological perspective and insight into the future of personal mobility.
Sawai: I think the idea of a flying bicycle is a great concept that expands what you can do with your own power. This vehicle, which uses our physical abilities to literally take us to new heights, promises to be a new experience in harmony between humans and nature.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

​This dream vehicle embodies the freedom of humans to fly under their own power. Flying through the sky, which knows no limits, under your own power gives you the ultimate sense of freedom and provides an experience that goes beyond your daily routine. It is not only an innovative means of transportation, but also a journey to grow beyond our own limits. Flying through the physical act of pedaling frees the mind. It's an experience that expands your potential. The act of pedaling represents the effort made step by step in daily life, and the flight into the sky symbolizes the moment when those efforts bear fruit.


New experience personal mobility : Sky Pedaler
As I sank into the Sky Pedaler's saddle and put my feet on the pedals, my heart was already pounding with anticipation. At the signal to take off, a light pedal stroke causes the aircraft to slowly begin to move forward. Every time I turn the pedal with a little more force, the transparent wings catch the wind and lift me off the ground. As you rise, you can see the landscape on the ground shrinking. You can see the clouds moving before your eyes, as if some giant creature is breathing. All around me are other pedalers flying as well, and we smile at each other.
As I gain altitude, the sky becomes bluer, and visibility becomes clearer. For a moment, I feel like I'm standing still in the air. The curve of the Earth appears on the distant horizon, more direct and spectacular than anything I've ever seen.
From here, you can see the world from a different angle and a new perspective is born. Sky Pedaler isn't just a vehicle to transport me. It's the key to new experiences and freedom in the air. This journey is one that transcends the boundaries between the sky and the ground, and every time I pedal, I discover a new world.