
I want to camp above the clouds

by tj

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato : Camping above the clouds seems like the ultimate relaxing experience. This should make us feel one with nature and ultimate peace. It must be a truly fantastical adventure to not only look at the clouds, but also to be inside them.
Kanki : In order to create such a unique experience, a design that prioritizes safety is required. If this becomes possible, a new market in the leisure industry may also be created.
Sawai : Experiences like this may provide new ways for us to learn about the Earth's climate. Spending time above the clouds can be a hands-on learning experience that deepens your knowledge of meteorological observations. Perhaps the first experience of camping above the clouds in VR will be the opportunity to make it a reality.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

This place transcends the boundaries of everyday life and is a source of inspiration for people from all walks of life. The experience of floating among the clouds leads to new discoveries in art and science.
Release physical constraints, social conventions, and psychological barriers and lead to new realms of experience. This experience allows you to go beyond your existing perceptions of yourself and the world around you and feel a sense of oneness with the wider universe, allowing you to see things from a broader perspective.
This cosmic camping experience expands human potential both physically and mentally. Living in an unknown environment fosters inner human qualities such as adaptability, creativity, and cooperation


Camping at Cloudtop Sanctuary begins in a transparent living space floating in the sky. When we arrive at this innovative campsite, we are taken aback by the spectacular view unfolding in front of us. A soft cloud spreads around our feet, giving the illusion of standing on top of it.
Here we will learn new ways to breathe in nature. The flow of clouds indicates the passage of time, and the birds flying in the sky are a symbol of freedom. Now that technology has made it possible to live in the sky, a new appreciation for the natural environment has emerged. The sight of the sun illuminating the clouds reminds us of the fragility of the planet Earth and its beauty at the same time.
At night, the stars form a canopy that envelops us, giving us a strong sense of connection to the universe. This place, where technology and nature harmonize, is not just a refuge, but a step towards a sustainable future. Cloudtop Sanctuary is a place to rethink life on the Earth and explore the harmony between the sky and life on the Earth.