
I want to go to space with my friends and see the sun and the Earth

by yui

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato: This spaceship is more than just a vehicle. It is a stage for realizing our wishes and hopes. It's exciting to be able to explore endless possibilities with my friends while feeling the power of these two heavenly bodies, the sun and the Earth.
Kanki: In the silence of space, you will be overwhelmed by the beauty of the Earth and the sun. Human relationships are small compared to this vast universe, but the experiences you can share with your friends like this will be deeply engraved in your heart.
Sawai: Through this scene, we will find a balance between our responsibility to protect our home, the Earth, and our desire to explore the unknown of space. Besides, traveling with friends makes the experience even richer.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

The dream of space travel expands human potential in many aspects and is expected to have a profound impact on our reality. Seeing the sun and the Earth up close is an adventure that truly symbolizes the human spirit of exploration. Seeing the sun, the center of our solar system, and our home, the Earth, from a new viewpoint while sailing through the weightless space of the universe will be a moving and unforgettable experience. This will awaken the spirit of exploration into unknown territory and increase a sense of responsibility for the Earth we all share.
Space travel is a grand step in expanding humanity's potential both physically and spiritually.


The day my best friend and I attend the Cosmic Voyage Symphony, we sit on the observation deck of a spacecraft, surrounded by breathtaking views. The Earth shines blue, and in the distance the sun emits the light of life. In the grand stillness of the universe, we share the wonder of just being there, and are bound together by a silent bond.
Forgetting gravity and time, we listen to the music of our solar system as we float outside the Earth's atmospheric layers. The intangible symphony played by the stars becomes the score for our adventures and stirs our imagination to the ends of the universe. This journey is not just a journey, it is a life-changing experience, where you will experience the mysteries of the universe with your best friends and will treasure it for the rest of your life.