
I want to make Japan an aerospace superpower

by Yuichi

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato : This is a dream that stimulates humanity's spirit of exploration. Extending our living zone into space will require not only scientific and technological advances, but also social and cultural evolution. By building an interplanetary community, new human relationships that go beyond the boundaries of the Earth may be born.
Kanki : To realize such a future, stable life support systems, efficient resource use, and sustainable energy supplies are essential. Establishing a legal and political framework for outer space will also be a major challenge.
Sawai : Expanding our area of activity into space will have a major impact on our identity. As humanity evolves beyond a single planet into a multi-star civilization, we may reconsider the fundamental meaning of our existence.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

The idea of a space power could revolutionize education and scientific research. The human race has exploited new areas of space science, physics, and biology, and the new challenges posed by activities in space may stimulate human creativity and become the driving force for creating unknown technologies and art.
The human race’s expansion into space also provides an opportunity to think about issues on the Earth on a cosmic scale. For example, systems research for space exploration may provide new solutions to environmental problems that have been difficult to solve on the Earth.
The challenge of space will encourage science, technology, social culture, and human spiritual growth.


Cosmos Frontier is an ambitious project that transcends the boundaries of the Earth nations and explores new areas in outer space. Each nation builds its own spaceships, and these ships serve as moving cities, research facilities, and points of contact. Set in the sky, these spaceship nations are exploring new possibilities to solve the Earth's resource problems and population pressure.
Amidst these floating cities, exchanges of science, culture, and technology take place, and humanity cooperates on the infinite frontier of space with a common purpose. The ships of Cosmos Frontier are not just a means of transportation, they are the foundation for forming a new way of life and a new society, and are building a new page in history that transcends the Earth.