
Riding a bike with wings

by mei

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato : A motorcycle with wings expresses a desire for freedom. This bike not only transports you, but also allows you to escape from reality. This bike also allows us to see the world from a new perspective.
Kanki : From a technical standpoint, this bike requires advanced aerodynamics and propulsion techniques. To achieve this in the real world, the development of lightweight and strong materials and control systems for safe flight will be important.
Sawai : Bikes like this represent future transportation innovations. To achieve this, we can also use technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality to simulate experiences that are not possible in real life. It may also open up new possibilities for education, training, and entertainment.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

Although the concept of this bike may be difficult to realize with current technology, it could serve as an opportunity for research into anti-gravity and propulsion-based flight technology. As engineers and designers, we are always exploring new ideas to turn dreams into scientific advances.
This bike symbolizes our dream of flying, unfettered by the laws of nature. If we realize this dream, it will revolutionize human transportation.
Images like this are the inspiration for experiences that blend reality and virtuality. For example, using VR technology, it is possible to create a virtual reality experience where people can ride a winged motorcycle and fly through the sky. This could be used not only for entertainment, but also as a way for those of us with physical limitations for flying to experience the freedom of flight.


Dream Wings runs like it rides on the wind, making me feel free. When I step on this machine, the gravity of reality fades away, and my flapping dreams turn into reality. I accelerate the machine with skyscrapers in the city behind me. The sound of the motorcycle's engine plays a pleasant rhythm, and my red riding gear becomes a vivid accent as I ride through the city.
This machine isn't just fast. The feather-like design creates a sense of unity with the sky and invites me to look beyond the horizon. Every time I increase my speed, I feel wind resistance throughout my body, but Dream Wings turns that into power and seeks even more speed.
Flying in the sky has been a dream of humankind since ancient times. By riding Dream Wings, I am the person closest to that dream. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I run up through the canvas of blue skies and sunlight as if there are no limits. My heart is completely freed and I feel like I'm living for this moment.
This isn't just a means of transportation, but it's an adventure in pursuit of your dreams. Dream Wings are your wings and can take you anywhere in this world. And the journey is far from over.