
I want to turn my singing voice into energy!

by B47

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato : If people's singing voices can be turned into energy, I'd like to install it in a public place and create an interactive installation where people can turn on the surrounding lights or move devices by singing. This will revitalize the city and provide an opportunity to rediscover the joy of singing.
Funamoto : Well, I'd like to think of a system that uses this technology to collect the sound energy generated at music festivals and concerts and returns it to the local community as electricity. Participants can feel that their voices are directly contributing to society.
Kanki : In addition to that, we can also consider applying this energy conversion technology to education. Music lessons and choral activities at schools can directly serve as energy sources for schools, making it a practical way to teach children the importance of renewable energy.
The dream of turning singing voices into energy has the potential to revitalize communities, bring new value to education, and revolutionize the world of entertainment.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

(How We Move You.)

At large-scale events where people gather, it is possible to aggregate the singing voices of the participants and create a large-scale light show on the spot. This goes beyond just entertainment and provides an experience where participants are directly involved in the creative process.
Let's consider using this technology to expand singing education programs around the world. Through singing energy conversion stations installed in local libraries and schools, children around the world not only learn about the joy of music, but also about energy sustainability.
By combining AI with the ability to read people‘s emotions, we can understand the impact of singing performance on individuals' psychological state and provide a musical experience that promotes a psychological well-being effect, bringing out their potential.


The Sonic Generator is a place where singing voices become the energy of the future. Akira stood on that stage, took a deep breath, and then uttered a song that put his heart into it. When his melody flows into the device, the sound waves turn into multicolored lights, activating the surrounding interface. Akira's voice is not just a sound, but a force that drives the devices in the room, and he feels himself becoming part of the energy at this moment.
It's as if his songs are communicating directly with the world, and his emotions spread out as light. Akira transmitted his inner power to the outside world through a sonic generator, and at that moment he became not just a singer, but a creator of energy that enriches life.