2030 Vision
Serve people worldwide with the “joy of expanding their life’s potential”
- Lead the advancement of mobility and enable people everywhere in the world to improve their daily lives -
In order to quickly respond and overcome rapid changes in our business environment, we set the direction we will take next and establish it as our vision.
For Honda to continue to be a company society wants to exist even in the year 2050, when Honda will be more than 100 years old, we envisioned what we want Honda to look like in such a future. And based on that, we determined what we want to look like in the year 2030, and we summarized that as our 2030 Vision.
2030 Vision Statement
We first clarified the two key elements of the Vision – the “Universal Passion of Honda” and the “Strengths of Honda.”
Universal Passion of Honda
Value proposition:
To provide products and services that expand people’s dreams and potential.
Corporate attitude:
Our approach to taking on new challenges while being driven by a strong passion to realize our value proposition.
Strengths of Honda
Existing strengths of Honda:
Strength in manufacturing a broad range of products including motorcycles, automobiles and power products
Strength in earning 28 million customers per year in markets around the world

New strengths:
Our ability to create solutions, which includes both Mono-zukuri, the art of making things, and Koto-zukuri – which is creating new experiences through brand storytelling about the art of making things.

Through this integration of further advanced Mono-zukuri and Koto-zukuri,
we will continue creating the strengths of Honda.
2030 Vision Statement
Two areas where we are going to create new value:
- Advancement of “Mobility”
- Value Creation for People’s Daily Lives
In these areas, we will bring the universal passion of Honda to “serve people worldwide with the joy of expanding their life’s potential.” And toward this end, we will “lead the advancement of mobility and enable people everywhere in the world to improve their daily lives.” This is our 2030 Vision Statement.
Direction of Initiatives toward the Fulfillment of the 2030 Vision
Creating value for "mobility" and " daily lives"
We will focus on three areas, namely mobility, robotics, with a focus on AI, and energy solutions in order to provide people with the joy and freedom of mobility and the joy of making their lives better.
Accommodate the different characteristics of people and society
We will strive to further expand the joy of people by offering products and services that are optimized based on Honda’s desire to “utilize technology to help people, while putting people at the core.”
Toward a clean and safe / secure society
Striving to become No. 1 in the areas of the environment and safety, we will invest more resources in these areas. And we will strive to become a company that leads the effort to realize a carbon-free and collision-free society.
Business Viewpoint to Focus on
Toward the fulfillment of this Vision, we will transform and evolve our existing businesses and also create new value through efficient use of finite corporate resources. To this end, we identified three areas we will focus on, and we will utilize our corporate resources effectively and strengthen our business foundation.
Inter-regional coordination and collaboration
- We will further enhance our inter-regional coordination and collaboration and increase the efficiency of our operations from a global perspective.
- Toward this end, we will grow our global models strong, so that they will be well-received anywhere in the world. As for regional models, with consideration of customers needs in each region, multiple regions with similar customer needs will work together to realize common regional models with a high level of product strength. Through this initiative, we will strive to achieve more efficient business operations in each region.
Collaboration for Open Innovation with third parties
- We will clarify what we should do on our own, and we will focus on that. At the same time, we will be proactive in engaging in Open Innovation with external partners.
- Since its foundation, Honda’s strengths have been advantages in technologies and products centering around the powertrain and packaging, which includes internal combustion engines as well as more recent electrified vehicles. In addition, our business foundation established all around the world also has been one of our strengths.
- Identifying “powertrain” and “packaging” as core Honda technologies, we would like to strengthen partnerships from the perspective of both Mono-zukuri (the art of making things) and Koto-zukuri (new experiences drawn from the art of making things) with our customers worldwide.
Strengthening foundation of existing businesses
- We are going to strengthen our business foundation and ensure sustainable operations, especially with our automobile business, in order to solidify existing businesses.
Corporate Attitude
For the fulfillment of our 2030 Vision, we will set the corporate attitude to “pursue growth through the pursuit of quality.” We will increase the quality of Honda products and services, and at the same time, we will increase the quality of our corporate activities, which we will carry out based on the strong principle that we want to please our customers.