Honda Stories


Motorsports・Sports 2024.03.28

Ayumu Iwasa, the Racing Driver Battling Relentlessly for His Formula 1 Dream, Talks about “What Motivates Him to Pursue His Dreams”

Ayumu Iwasa, the Racing Driver Battling Relentlessly for His Formula 1 Dream, Talks about “What Motivates Him to Pursue His Dreams”

Honda unveiled its Global Brand Slogan “The Power of Dreams”. In April 2023, Honda redefined its slogan after 23 years and added a new tagline – “How we move you”. This updated message –” The Power of Dreams, How we move you” – emphasizes the connection with you: our customers and Honda fans. Racing drivers help to make this slogan a reality, bringing dreams and excitement to spectators. Honda Stories feature the interview articles with Japanese drivers.

The interview is with 21-year-old Ayumu Iwasa, who has been competing in the FIA Formula 2 Championship, the penultimate step before Formula 1. Iwasa tirelessly sculpts his Formula 1 “Dreams” into reality, pushing his limits. Where does his “motivation” come from?

Ayumu Iwasa

Ayumu Iwasa

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My ultimate dream is to be F1 World Champion and keep winning

Iwasa, whose parents used to attend amateur races, has always been with motorsport. Iwasa was just 4 years old when he first raced at a circuit. In 2020, Iwasa became a Honda Formula Dream Project (HFDP) Driver through its driver development program at the age of 18 and proved his talent by winning the French Formula 4 title in his first season of European racing before moving up to the FIA Formula 3 and 2 Championships.

In his second year in the Formula 2 Championship, the 2023 season is undoubtedly important for Iwasa as he aims to move up to the Formula 1 Championship. After Round 12 at Monza in Italy on September 2, Iwasa currently stands third in the series, and will compete in the remaining races with young, brave, and talented rivals, all of whom have their sights set on Formula 1. Iwasa, his gaze unwavering, talks about his disciplined feelings.

With his excellent analytical skills, Iwasa works with his engineers on the fine details of the car settings even during the Practice Sessions, in order to achieve victory. With his excellent analytical skills, Iwasa works with his engineers on the fine details of the car settings even during the Practice Sessions, in order to achieve victory.

I can obtain Super License (requirement for Formula 1) if I finish in at least fifth place at the end of the season. But honestly speaking, I wouldn’t be satisfied with the fifth place at all. Because my goal is not to move up to the Formula 1, but to be a driver who can continue to complete well in Formula 1 and become the World Champion. Looking at the results of this season, it is far from satisfactory and I don’t think the team has used its full potential. I want more wins, and to become Formula 2 Champion. I need to be prepared myself as if this is my last year in Formula 2.

Logical thinker and driver who “calmly works out every detail one by one to win”

Motorsport is a very tough world that demands the utmost precision from every element including the driver’s skills, car, strategy, and teamwork. And only 20 racing drivers worldwide are allowed to compete in Formula 1, the pinnacle of motor racing. It’s like going through the eye of a needle.

The 21-year-old Japanese driver, who competes in Formula 2 with tough rivals who have their eyes on Formula 1, shows a friendly face. The 21-year-old Japanese driver, who competes in Formula 2 with tough rivals who have their eyes on Formula 1, shows a friendly face.

Basically, in Formula 2 where I race, cars are all structured exactly the same. Because of the similarities in their cars, the F2 drivers’ performance is even more critical than in Formula 1. Formula 2 is a competition where all drivers perform at a high level. If you want to win, “being a good driver” is not enough. You need something extra.

When Iwasa raced in the FIA Formula 2 Championship Round 8 Feature Race (Race 2) in Austria ,2023, he was 16th on the grid, but charged through the field and soared onto the podium’s second step. His dramatic and thrilling driving performance left many fans’ hearts pounding and breaths held.

How does Iwasa see his strength?


Unlike many European drivers who are aggressive and vigorous, I am more of a person who stays calm and analyzes and works out every detail one by one to outperform other teams at the end of the day. If I have made a mistake and lost the race, I make sure I look back and see what caused it. I cannot move forward until I come up with a corrective action. When I race, I often say “Don’t look away” to myself who made a mistake.

Actively engaging team staff with strong passion and dedication

Iwasa is known for his ability to put thoughts into precise words and his attitude of communicating what is needed firmly. His attitude of “paying close attention to detail” as a logical thinker has brought positive change to his French team, DAMS.


Motorsport may seem like an individual sport as the driver takes the spotlight, but it is in fact a team sport in every respect. A complex orchestra of so many people, including engineers and pit crews, work in perfect harmony behind the scenes, analyzing various factors, building and setting up the machine, trying to achieve the same goal: victory. That’s the biggest attraction about motor racing.

Whatever the outcome, I want to tell my team staff everything I can so that I don’t have any regrets.

Iwasa communicates with his team staff in English. With the disadvantage of not being able to communicate in his native language, Iwasa needs good communication skills in order to convey his opinions accurately and to build a good and healthy relationship with them. Iwasa communicates with his team staff in English. With the disadvantage of not being able to communicate in his native language, Iwasa needs good communication skills in order to convey his opinions accurately and to build a good and healthy relationship with them.

When his new member joined the team in 2023, the official language of the team changed from English to French. This created a language barrier for Iwasa.


I went to the Team Manager to say that it was difficult to communicate with the team staff in French. He immediately called a meeting to try to improve the situation. This team doesn’t hesitate to take immediate action to win – that’s what I thought. This experience has made me even more determined to do my best with the team and win. This is just one of many examples where I feel I can compete with everyone on the same page as a team. It was really invaluable to our team.

Iwasa makes sure that he communicates well with his team staff, including small, perhaps trivial, concerns as well as everyday casual conversations.


We are all very assertive and there are many times when we argue, but of course it is not an angry argument. It is a necessary discussion with the team staff, and also an important key to move forward.

I want to be Formula 1 Champion because “I want to be someone who contributes to the motorsport industry”

Not only does Iwasa want to be a Formula 1 driver and aspire to become the Japanese World Champion, he has other dreams as well.


I want to be someone who nurtures and develops young drivers and helps to revitalize the motorsport industry in the future. In reality, motor racing is an expensive sport. I had to give up racing in the past for financial reasons, too. I am incredibly grateful to a certain company for awarding me a scholarship and so many people who have kindly supported me throughout my journey. I wouldn’t be here today without their unwavering support.

Many drivers may have given up their careers for financial reasons, even though they have the ability to go higher. Allowing these drivers to continue their challenges and pursue their professional dreams will ignite a wave of public fascination, propelling motorsport to unprecedented popularity, I think.

That’s why I want to deliver stunning results in Formula 1 and use my influence to contribute and help bring the industry closer to such a place. I am determined to become a “beacon of athletes”, a guiding hand, for children eager to chase their dreams to become professional racing drivers.

Iwasa says he has had a lot of support from many people. What do these people mean to him?


They are very important to me, as we chase my dreams together. The thought of giving up has never crossed my mind. This is because I believe in my true ability and, above all, I can keep my spirits up when I think of the people who support me. I want to return the favor. This is what “motivates” me and makes me want to pursue my dreams.

Iwasa aspires to become Formula 1 Champion with many people’s aspiration as his power to move and is passionate about the development of the motorsport industry. His way of life could be said to embody the Honda Global Brand Slogan – “The Power of Dreams, How we move you”.

We can’t take our eyes off Iwasa in his quest to win the championship. Iwasa sends the following message to Honda Stories readers.


I am confident that I can show a driving performance that is different from other drivers. This includes my approach in battle, which I mentioned earlier. I’m sure everyone, even those who have never watched motor racing before, will enjoy my racing. I will continue to develop myself, and would be very happy if you could see me through my journey to capture dreams.

Ayumu Iwasa wrote his passionate desire to becomeF2 Champion Ayumu Iwasa wrote his passionate desire to becomeF2 Champion


  • Honda Stories
  • Motorsports・Sports
  • Ayumu Iwasa, the Racing Driver Battling Relentlessly for His Formula 1 Dream, Talks about “What Motivates Him to Pursue His Dreams”