Aero Engine
Advance aviation beyond satisfaction with
the best-in-class aero engine technology
In 1986, Honda initiated research and development of jet engines. In 2004, Honda achieved to develop the HF118 turbofan engine, which lead to a joint business and development with General Electric Company (GE). In 2013, GE and Honda developed the HF120 Turbofan Engine, which achieved the best-in-class fuel efficiency, environmental performance, and durability, acquired a Type Certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the US. Since the entry into service, HF120 received the Type Certification from more than 10 countries and operating in service around the globe.
History of Aero Engine Development over 30 years
Introduction to the Technology of the HF120, the spirit of engineers who supported the technology and the quality of the HF120, and the award history of the HF120
This page is the introduction of websites related to the development for the next generation technologies.