Honda's Decision on the Naming of the Honda Four-Stroke GP Machine and an Outline of Its Engine

January 29, 2001, Japan


Honda has decided the four-stroke machine for the 2002 Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix (WGP) will be named RC211V. A decision has also been made that the engine will be a five-cylinder, V-type, the first of its type in the world to be developed for motorcycles.


The RC in RC211V indicates that this is a Honda four-stroke grand prix machine*1. 211 indicates that this is the machine for the first year of the 21st century, and V at the end of the name has three meanings. The first meaning is derived from the cylinder layout, which is V type. The second meaning comes from the Roman letter for five, indicating the five cylinders. The third and final meaning is taken from the initial letter of the word victory.

What type of engine should be developed was examined in accordance with the revised Federation Internationale de Motorcyclisme (FIM)*2 regulations for 2002, and a V-type five-cylinder engine was finally decided on. This engine was selected because it was believed that it would be able to satisfy the two requirements Honda has historically pursued; "Concentration of Mass" and "Reduction of projected areas"

The five cylinders, made up of the three front cylinders and the two rear cylinders, have round pistons and four valves each. This is a five-cylinder V-type, 20-valve engine.

For the intake system, PGM-FI (programmed fuel injection) has been adopted. The minimum weight as stipulated by the regulations for four- or five-cylinder engine machines of 145kg was realized.

  • *1The name of Honda's first 500cc four-stroke GP machine was "RC181."
  • *2FIM regulations(only revised sections for four-stroke machines)
Displacement: 990cc or less (Currently 350 - 500cc)
Number of cylinders: Optional (Currently four cylinders or less)
Minimum weight: 135kg for three- or less cylinder engine machines
145kg for four- and five-cylinder engine machines
155kg for six- or more cylinder engine machines
(Currently, 101kg for one- and two-cylinder engine machines, 116kg for three-cylinder engine machines, and 131kg for four-cylinder engine machines)
Fuel tank capacity: 24 liters or less for 2002 and 2003
22 liters or less for 2004
(Currently, no regulations apply.)
Noise: 115dB/A before race, 120dB/A after race
(Currently, 110dB/A before race, 113dB/A after race)
Oval pistons should conform to the regulations for one category higher
  (Currently, no regulations apply.)