Honda Vice President Inducted Into Automotive Hall of Fame
February 12, 1998, Japan
Tokyo, February 12, 1998 - On February 1, 1998 Honda Vice President Hiroyuki Yoshino received a Distinguished Service Citation, and was inducted into the North American car industry's Automotive Hall of Fame. The reason given for the citation was the contribution he has made through the technologies and products he was a part of developing, which have helped to solve environmental problems. His name will be recorded in a corner of the Hall of Fame.
The Automotive Hall of Fame gives out awards in four separate categories. In 1989, Honda's late founder, Soichiro Honda, became the first person from the East to be honored with a Hall of Fame award. Vice President Hiroyuki Yoshino is the first Japanese person ever to receive the great honor of being selected for a Distinguished Service Citation, which signifies an important contribution to the automobile industry.
The Automotive Hall of Fame (current location: Midland, Michigan) was established in 1939 to honor those whose achievements had made an important contribution to the development of automobiles and the automobile industry.