Image and Movie Download

  • HF120


  • HF120


  • HF120


  • Production Launch Ceremony (from left) Masahiko Izumi, President of HAI, Pat McCrory, North Carolina Gov., Tony Brandewie, Vice President of HAI

    Production Launch Ceremony (from left) Masahiko Izumi, President of HAI, Pat McCrory, North Carolina Gov., Tony Brandewie, Vice President of HAI

  • Production Launch Ceremony (from left) David Joyce, CEO of GE Aviation, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, President, CEO and Representative Director, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Masahiko Izumi, President of HAI, Tony Brandewie, Vice President of HAI

    Production Launch Ceremony (from left) David Joyce, CEO of GE Aviation, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, President, CEO and Representative Director, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Masahiko Izumi, President of HAI, Tony Brandewie, Vice President of HAI

  • Production Launch Ceremony

    Production Launch Ceremony

  • Honda Aero, Inc. facility

    Honda Aero, Inc. facility