Production, Sales and Export Results in the First Half of FY2012

October 26, 2011, Japan

News Release

October 26, 2011 - Honda Motor Co., Ltd. today announced a summary of automobile production, Japan domestic sales, and export results for the first half of the current fiscal year (April - September 2011) and the month of September 2011.

Worldwide Production

  1st Half
Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2012
September 2011
Units vs.FY11 Units vs.'10
Japan 294,234 -39.5% 74,866  
Outside of Japan 936,938 -29.1% 243,489 * +4.3%
Worldwide Total 1,231,172 -31.9% 318,355  

Production Outside of Japan

  1st Half
Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2012
September 2011
Units vs.FY11 Units vs.'10
North America 454,438 -30.0% 119,425  
(USA) 344,742 -27.6% 90,749  
Europe 39,153 -42.7% 12,867  
Asia 399,122 -24.4% 104,059 * +11.1%
(China) 270,019 -17.2% 63,990 * +2.1%
Others 44,225 -41.4% 7,138  
Overseas Total 936,938 -29.1% 243,489 * +4.3%

*Record high for month of September

The First Half of Current Fiscal Year (April - September 2011)
Production in Japan for the first half of the current fiscal year experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in two years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010).

Production in regions outside of Japan for the first half of the current fiscal year experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in two years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010).

Worldwide production experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in two years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010).

September 2011
Production in Japan for the month of September 2011 experienced a year-on-year decrease for the tenth consecutive month (since December 2010).

Production in regions outside of Japan experienced a year-on-year increase for the first time in seven months (since February 2011), setting an all-time record for the month of September. This includes record production in Asia and China for the month of September.

Worldwide production experienced a year-on-year decrease for the eighth consecutive month (since February 2011).

Japan Domestic Market Sales

Vehicle type 1st Half
Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2012
September 2011
Units vs.FY11 Units vs.'10
Registrations 172,909 -32.7% 43,419 +1.6%
Mini-Vehicles 56,150 -34.0% 12,092 -15.3%
Honda Brand Total 229,059 -33.0% 55,511 -2.6%

The First Half of Current Fiscal Year (April - September 2011)
Total Japan domestic market auto sales for the first half of the current fiscal year experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in four years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008).

New vehicle registrations for the first half of the current fiscal year experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in four years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008).

Sales of mini-vehicles for the first half of the current fiscal year experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in two years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010).

<Vehicle registrations - excluding mini-vehicles>
Fit was the industry's second best-selling car among new vehicle registrations for the first half of the current fiscal year with sales of 99,850 units. Freed was the industry's seventh best-selling car with sales of 27,874 units.

<Mini-vehicles - under 660cc>
Life was the industry's sixth best-selling car among mini-vehicles for the first half of the current fiscal year with sales of 30,378 units.

September 2011
Total Japan domestic market auto sales for the month of September 2011 experienced a year-on-year decrease for the 13th consecutive month (since September 2010).

New vehicle registrations experienced a year-on-year increase for the first time in 13 months (since August 2010).

Sales of mini-vehicles experienced a year-on-year decrease for the seventh consecutive month (since March 2011).

<Vehicle registrations - excluding mini-vehicles>
Fit was the industry's second best-selling car among new vehicle registrations for the month of September 2011 with sales of 27,980 units. Freed was the industry's eighth best-selling car with sales of 6,497 units.

<Mini-vehicles - under 660cc>
Life was the industry's ninth best-selling car in the mini-vehicle category for the month of September 2011 with sales of 5,542 units.

Exports from Japan

  1st Half
Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2012
September 2011
Units vs.FY11 Units vs.'10
North America 58,589 -47.1% 13,036 -23.5%
(USA) 56,388 -46.4% 12,432 -25.2%
Europe 16,195 -30.3% 5,907 +50.2%
Asia 5,306 -24.1% 1,592 +53.5%
Others 9,732 -59.9% 1,976 -68.6%
Total 89,822 -45.6% 22,511 -20.4%

The First Half of Current Fiscal Year (April - September 2011)
Total exports from Japan for the first half of the current fiscal year experienced a year-on-year decrease for the first time in two years (since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010).

September 2011
Total exports from Japan in September 2011 experienced a year-on-year decrease for the seventh consecutive month (since March 2011).