Image and Movie Download

  • Exterior view of Honda Soltec

    Exterior view of Honda Soltec

  • Module flame attachement line

    Module flame attachement line

  • Carrier line to final inspection (1)

    Carrier line to final inspection (1)

  • Carrier line to final inspection (2)

    Carrier line to final inspection (2)

  • Commemorates opening of Solar cell production plant (from left) Satoshi Toshida, the senior managing Director of Honda; Junichi Mitsuyama, the deputy general manager of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment Department, Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI); Yoshiko Shiotani, the governor of Kumamoto prefecture; Takeo Fukui, the president and CEO of Honda; Isao Ieiri, the mayor of Ohzu-machi; Shunzo Inoue, the president and CEO of Toda Corporation; Akio Kazusa, the president of Honda Soltec

    Commemorates opening of Solar cell production plant (from left) Satoshi Toshida, the senior managing Director of Honda; Junichi Mitsuyama, the deputy general manager of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment Department, Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI); Yoshiko Shiotani, the governor of Kumamoto prefecture; Takeo Fukui, the president and CEO of Honda; Isao Ieiri, the mayor of Ohzu-machi; Shunzo Inoue, the president and CEO of Toda Corporation; Akio Kazusa, the president of Honda Soltec