Honda Develops Fuel Cell Scooter Equipped with Honda FC Stack

August 24, 2004, Japan



August 24, 2004--Building on its success with fuel cell automobile technology, Honda has developed a scooter powered by its light, compact fuel cell system, the Honda FC Stack.

Capable of starting at sub-freezing temperatures, the high-efficiency next-generation Honda FC Stack has been made even lighter and smaller, and redesigned for use in scooters. Honda has applied their expertise gained in the development of fuel cells for automobiles, and further miniaturized the system, optimizing it for application to scooters.

The new vehicle is based on a 125cc scooter of the kind popular with commuters worldwide. Space has been conserved by placing the electric drive system on the rear-wheel swing arm, and by placing the Honda FC Stack fuel cell in the center of the vehicle, with auxiliary systems compactly arranged around it. The result is a scooter comparable in size to an internal combustion engine vehicle of the same class.

Honda plans to continue refining the new vehicle's design to make it even more light and compact, so that the fuel cell scooter achieves the same range and offers storage space comparable to internal combustion engine vehicles of its class.

Honda has long been involved in the development of fuel cell systems as next-generation powerplants, since they emit no noxious emissions and can help reduce the demand for fossil fuels and slow global warming. In December 2002, Honda delivered FCX fuel cell vehicles to customers in Japan and the United States- world's first. In October 2003, Honda announced the development of the Honda FC Stack, a next-generation fuel cell capable of starting at subfreezing temperatures. Honda plans to deliver the Honda FC Stack-equipped FCX in the second half of 2004 to customers in the United States, and in 2005 to customers in Japan.

Fuel Cell scooter

Fuel Cell scooter