Honda Exhibits Customized Mobilio Spike Models at Tokyo Auto Salon 2003

January 7, 2003, Japan


Tokyo, January 7, 2003 --- Honda Motor Co., Ltd. has announced that it will be exhibiting two customized Mobilio Spike models (the 'ThinkPad' and the 'Surfing' models) in the 'Honda Customize World' booth at 'Tokyo Auto Salon 2003 with NAPAC*1. This event will be held in Chiba's Makuhari Messe from Friday, January 10th through Sunday, January 12th. 

'Honda Customize World' showcases the exciting new possibilities offered by Honda's expanding range of custom automobiles. Demonstrating the powerful allure of customization, other exhibits will include the 'Module Box' concept model based on the Mobilio Spike using the 'Modulo' custom brand made by Honda Access Corporation (manufacturer of genuine Honda parts and accessories), an aero-parts model by DOOV Corporation*2, and models by custom manufacturers handling Honda automobiles.

  • *1Sponsor: Tokyo Auto Salon Association (TASA), Co-Sponsor: Nippon Auto Parts Aftermarket Committee (NAPAC)
  • *2100%-owned subsidiary of Honda Access Corporation
Mobilio Spike 'ThinkPad' (customized model)

Mobilio Spike 'ThinkPad'
(customized model)

Mobilio Spike 'Surfing' (customized model)

Mobilio Spike 'Surfing' (customized model)

Overview of customized Mobilio Spike models

'ThinkPad' model
This model is based on the 'Star Seeker' concept of the car as a private observation platform for viewing starry skies. Using the advanced technology of IBM's ThinkPad notebook PC, released ten years ago this year, it features power-slide doors controlled using the Mobilio Spike (W-type) radio-wave keyless-entry system. Designed to a 'mobile observatory spec', the model also includes an astronomical telescope controlled and operated using the ThinkPad. 

'Surfing' model
Featuring stowage, gadgetry and utility tailored to the serious surfer's lifestyle, this model is designed to a 'pro surfer spec', with a flexible cargo space based on the 'ULTRA' system.