
Helping mom with housework

by Rina

Honda's designer inspired by this dream

Advanced Design Division, FVC studio

Hiroto Sato

Hiroto Sato


Sato: Robots that are useful at home will make our lives more convenient and free us from our daily hustle and bustle. We can spend more time with our family or create time for personal growth. This robot may revitalize communication within the home. For example, this could be an opportunity for children to become interested in robots and develop an inquisitive mind about science and technology.
Kanki : Let's focus on how this robot's design responds to human emotions and needs. It is also important to provide pleasant interactions and emotional support.
Sawai: This robot will not only be able to help with household chores, but may also be useful in education, by helping humans expand their potential, such as by helping them learn new skills.

Honda designers accelerate creativity using Generative AI and augment the possibilities of dreams.

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In addition to simply assisting with housework, robots could learn about the hobbies and interests of family members and add functions to support them. For example, suggesting a new recipe for a family member who cooks, or offering musical accompaniment to a family member who loves music.
The robot manages the health of your family and helps them stay active, and promotes health for the whole family by tracking health data and providing exercise and diet advice.
It is desirable for robots to have abilities that help them learn. You can support your family's growth and development by helping children with their homework and providing resources for adults to learn new skills.

Cars are sometimes referred to as “beloved cars”'. Guitars and cameras can also become beloved devices. The reason for the word “beloved (love)” is that you must grow in order to bring out the high performance of that object. Mastering a skill means spending a lot of time with your guitar or car. You might not have heard much about home appliances with the word "love" on them such as “I love home appliances, I love refrigerators, I love vacuum cleaners”...it's a little strange. However, if it looks like this picture of dream robot, it might become a “beloved cooking robot". That means robots don't just provide functionality, they build relationships with users and grow together. By providing advice tailored to the user's tastes and skills during the cooking process, and sometimes proposing new recipes that surprise the user, the cookware becomes an irreplaceable presence for the user that can truly be called a “beloved cooking robot".


Seeing the Harmonix Home Aid robot working in the light-filled kitchen makes it feel like a member of the family. During the busy morning hours, the robot deftly slices tomatoes and washes lettuce while mom prepares salads for dad and the kids. Once mom seasoned the food, the robot brings the finished, colorful dish to the table. The children's eyes light up as they watch the robot move, and their mom smiles in gratitude. This little assistant is more than just a machine, bringing warmth and help to your home. The smiles on the faces of the families around the table are proof of that.