About Powertrain Unit Factory

Powertrain Unit Factory manufactures components vital to Honda's high performance, high quality automobiles, supplying Honda's factories domestically and globally. Its automated production line and strict quality control enables integrated production from materials to finished products.

Engine Components

Engine Valves

Engine Valves

Engine valves are used to rapidly induct air-fuel to compress and explode, and rapidly discharge combustion gas from the engine.



Converts piston rectilinear motion to rotary motion. Crankshafts demand precision, balance, and strength.

Con-rods (Connecting Rods)

Con-rods (Connecting Rods)

Conveys reciprocating energy from the pistons (spanning thousands of revolution per minute) to the crankshaft.

Transmission Components

Transmission Gears

Transmission Gears

Transforms engine revs to the drive system through selectable gears.

4WD Components

Transfer Assemblies

Transfer Assemblies

For 4WD systems: Transmits motive power from the transversely positioned engine at the front perpendicularly to the propeller shaft, using high-precision hypoid gears.

Dual Pump System Assemblies

Dual Pump System Assemblies

Compact unit combining Honda's unique 4WD system with integrated dual pump system (allocating torque to the rear wheels depending on driving conditions), with the rear differential gears.

Differential Assemblies

Differential Assemblies

When a automobile turns, the distance travelled by the right and left tires differs. Differential assemblies allocate the engine's turning force according to the rotation speed of each tire, allowing the car to turn smoothly.

Suspension-related Components

CVJs (Constant Velocity Universal Joints)

CVJs (Constant Velocity Universal Joints)

Transmits without loss, torque from high-output engines to the wheels, featuring Honda's uniquely developed technologies.

Access Map

Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Powertrain Unit Factory

19 Matsuyamacho, Mooka, Tochigi Pref. , Japan

Factory List

Saitama Factory

Ogawa Plant

Yorii Automobile Plant

Suzuka Factory

Kumamoto Factory

Transmission Factory

Powertrain Unit Factory