Tech Views — Vol. 4 H.I.S.S.

User Reviews


Male, 40 years old

I mostly use my motorcycle for commuting, and park it in a roadside public parking space. Every day when I return from work, I feel relieved to see my bike parked in the same place I left it that morning. Worries about theft never end, but having H.I.S.S. installed does greatly reduce the risk and alleviate much of that worry.


Male, 57 years old

I bought a CTX700! I thought for sure that I'd have to buy an extra anti-theft device, but the bike came standard-equipped with a reinforced handlebar lock and reinforced ignition key cylinder in addition to this immobilizer device they call H.I.S.S. Since I never want my new bike stolen, I also had an alarm fitted. I bought the strongest chain lock I could find, which can supposedly beat any attempt to cut it, and now firmly chain up my CTX700 to a pole at my apartment. If my new bike is still stolen in spite of all these efforts and investment... I think I might cry.


Male, 54 years old

I vaguely recall getting an explanation about H.I.S.S. when I first bought my bike. But honestly, I completely forgot what I heard because I was too happy about the purchase of my new motorcycle. However, when I took the key out after getting home, I noticed the red lamp begin to blink, indicating that the anti-theft device I was told about had begun to operate. The H.I.S.S. switches on without having to do anything more than simply removing the key as usual. It couldn't be easier.


Male, 49 years old

I'd like to suggest that Honda more assertively advertise the advantages of H.I.S.S. to motorcycle users. If more people get to know that the blinking red light indicates that H.I.S.S. is in operation, and that the bike can't be operated even if stolen, then the number of thefts might just decrease.


Male, 45 years old

I eventually plan to customize my CB1100 with more of a café racer look. Although this will take a lot of time, the CB is still a bike that I know I can enjoy for a long time. Being equipped with H.I.S.S. now seems to be standard for most of Honda's larger and more expensive motorcycles, and I can't imagine any of those bikes without H.I.S.S.

Silver Wing GT

Male, 30 years old

I like this scooter a lot, mostly because its carrying space is quite large and I can use it comfortably for both commuting and long rides. I think H.I.S.S. should also be considered a comfort feature, because I certainly wouldn't want to return to find my scooter missing from where I parked it.


Male, 39 years old

I've experienced an attempted bike theft before. The key hole was tampered with and broken. Although it happened quite a long time ago, I've always been careful since then. I heard that the H.I.S.S. immobilizer was excellent. However, in spite of this, that thief might still have tried to steal my bike. Therefore, I wanted to get something extra that ensures a little better security than before. In a way, this is sort of like a superbike performance comparison, isn't it?

Silver Wing GT <400>

Male, 48 years old

A few years ago I owned a 250cc scooter, but it was stolen. I thought it was safe enough with a chain locked around its wheel, especially since my scooter was parked at the back of a narrow alley. However, it seems I let my guard down, and one day I returned to find the chain cut off, and my scooter gone. So, instead of buying another scooter of the same type, I bought a Silver Wing. Anyone can clearly see that it is equipped with H.I.S.S. with just one glance at the red lamp blinking on its dashboard when parked. I'm sure thieves won't feel like stealing this scooter because of the major hassles that would be required to destroy its security system. In my opinion, this security system would be perfect if an optional alarm were also made available.


Male, 38 years old

Just seeing that red LED lamp blinking in the meter gives me a strong sense of security. I once lost my spare key, and so had no choice but to have a new key made by the Dream shop. I was surprised to find out that it would cost me as much as 8,000 yen for the replacement. However, if I think about it coolly, that 8,000 yen key was actually quite cheap, since it would be far worse if my BIG-1 were ever stolen.


Male, 56 years old

My feeling is that H.I.S.S. is absolutely necessary. To put it simply, this is an anti-theft immobilizer, but any bike equipped with this device will make thieves throw up their hands in despair. It can't be started by any other key than the bike's original keys, and doesn't that ensure that a thief can't ride it even if he is successful in somehow stealing it? There may be only one small red lamp to be seen blinking in its speedometer, but that alone serves as a really effective deterrent to theft.


Male, 56 years old

It seemed like bike thefts were pretty frequent a few years ago, but I guess this situation hasn't change all that much even today, has it? After I returned to my home town, I started riding a CB400 Super Four. They say that thefts these days are the work of professional gangs, and that once they target you, it's your loss. Scary, isn't it? However, it's fundamentally important that we all show a strong conviction to not become victims of theft. After a long time away from riding, I'm happy that this new CB I bought came standard-equipped with H.I.S.S., and an excellent warning against theft.

Gold Wing

Male, 55 years old

When staying at hotels during long touring trips, I sometimes get suddenly worried about my Gold Wing, and have to check to be sure that it's still where I parked it. I've taken every security measure that I can. However, I've been told by the dealer that the Gold Wing's immobilizer is reliable, and though I don't precisely understand the mechanical details of H.I.S.S., just knowing that the engine can't be started as long as the key in my pocket is not used certainly gives me a greater sense of security.


Male, 61 years old

H.I.S.S. is certainly a great feature. However, if I were to ever lose my keys, including the spare, the entire electronic control system would have to be replaced, which I'm not very happy about. The main keys, the ignition switch assembly, the ECU and other parts... all together the cost could easily exceed 100,000 yen, which I'm sure you can understand would be a very difficult price to have to pay. I realize that I'd have to accept this costly expense, because it would cost me hundreds of thousands or even millions of yen more if the bike were stolen. However, I'd still be grateful if the replacement cost could somehow be a little less expensive.


Female, 35 years old

I really like my Shadow's cool, laid-back appearance. But the fact that it also came with H.I.S.S as standard equipment was another important reason for buying this bike. A friend of mine told me she had her motorcycle stolen. Since a theft like that could unfortunately happen near me, I also had an alarm included with it.

Shadow Phantom

Male, 44 years old

My old motorcycle was stolen some time ago. I only managed to buy that bike after a long time scraping together enough money. But one night when I left my company office to go home, my bike was nowhere to be found. I called the police and was exasperated by what the policeman told me, "This was the work of professionals. You should give up on ever seeing it again." I regretted not having H.I.S.S. then. Since my new SHADOW Phantom is equipped with H.I.S.S., I think its effect on deterring theft is excellent.

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