Archive 2021 in China

Honda Dream Fund
SDG 4 : Quality education

On September 11, 2017, “SCLF Honda Dream Fund”, established by Honda and the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, was officially launched in the former residence of Comrade Soong Ching Ling in Beijing. The project is funded by Honda to provide support and assistance to young people in low-income families who dare to dream and dare to fulfill their dreams, encouraging them to embrace passion and vitality at all times, and to use imagination in order to inspire and nurture their spirit of creativity and challenge, create more hope and possibilities in their whole life, and create new values that are ahead of the times.
In April 2018, the Honda Dream Fund published the first group of eight dream students who have a variety of dreams, and in March 2019 and June 2020, the second and third groups of students were announced. After that, further improvement of selection standards was made to help enhance social contribution. Then in March 2021, the fourth group of students was published. The Honda Dream Fund has supported 30 students chasing their dreams for two years and more youngsters will be benefited in the future.
Unlike the traditional forms of public welfare, the “Honda Dream Fund” emphasizes the long-term nature and effectiveness of personal support and focuses on investment in time and money. The fund not only supports young people to achieve self-worth, but also expects them to play a leading role in this process. This will allow more young people to feel the power of their dreams. The “Honda Dream Fund” was selected for students from low-income families in colleges and universities. While taking into account the low starting point, weak competition, and slow development of the remote areas and higher vocational colleges, some vocational colleges in central and western regions of China were selected to carry out key cooperation and help students strive to pass. The high credibility of the fund leads to the flow of resources, generating more attention and participation from society.

Afforestation Project
SDG 15 : Life on land

Honda China has been participating in a tree planting activity in Xinghe County for 14 years since 2008. It has been estimated that over 2,000 associates from Honda participated in the project which has completed afforesting an area of more than 13.4million square meters with 1.88 million plants during these years. Thanks to the thorough study of the climate and soil features, with accumulation of knowledge of planting in arid regions, we finally met the national standard for afforestation survival rate. This used to be a barren area and is now enhanced with forest.
The project has been scheduled to be carried out over three terms. The first and second terms lasted from 2008 to 2017, when over 1,500,000 saplings were planted on the 9.67 million square meters area. The third term started in 2018 and will continue to 2022.
We plan to spend RMB20 million on planting saplings such as Chinese pine and pinus sylvestris, and will attempt to achieve the goal of afforesting an area of 4.67million square meters. Those trees that are planted by Honda associates and local people will form a green umbrella for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, helping to prevent natural disasters such as sand storms and haze caused by soil erosion and insufficient green coverage.


Honda Children’s Traffic Safety Action
SDG 4 : Quality education, 11 : Sustainable cities and communities

In 2021, Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., (GAC-Honda) cooperated with the government sector, professional institutions, public welfare organizations and other relevant parties to implement children's safety education activities and protect children's road safety within all sectors of society. GAC-Honda children's safety education activities have been fully upgraded to the “GAC-Honda dream TongXing - children's road safety, the public line” that is being rolled out nationwide. “Knowing danger, preventing danger” is the core. With various educational forms such as the “Traffic safety hero & dangerous road monster animation”, “Road safety lessons,” “Safety knowledge card,” and “Road safety chess game,” GAC-Honda has popularized road safety knowledge for children aged 5 to 12 based on the comprehensive systems of professional courses.
By the end of 2021, GAC-Honda had launched 168 events through dealers and 121 events in school campuses throughout China. There were a total of 30,000 students participating in offline programs. At the same time, GAC-Honda issued traffic safety novels and broadcast on the Himalaya app. The offline programs attracted national media coverage,while GAC-Honda organized a TikTok campaign, triggered online propagation volume, almost 97,880,000 Internet users participated. This has provided new enthusiasm for achieving our traffic safety dream of a society with “zero accidents”.


Honda donated RMB 10 million to the Red Cross Society of China Henan Branch for flood damage in Henan Province
SDG 16 : Peace, justice and strong institutions

In July 2021, Honda Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd. and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. donated 10 million RMB to the Red Cross Society of China Henan Branch for flood damage in Henan Province.
In addition, 400 water pumps, 100 generators and 20 outboard engines produced by Honda Power Products (China) Co., Ltd. have also been donated to support disaster relief work.
A local joint venture company, Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., donated 5 million RMB to the Henan Provincial Charity General Assembly, and Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. donated 3 million RMB to the Zhengzhou Red Cross Society.